1. The Black Card

    Date: 9/19/2015, Categories: Interracial, Author: sweet_lusciousdesire, Source: LushStories

    ... is you! Nice to see you buddy!” said Ernest. “What are you doing in a peeler bar on this side of the island? This would be the last place I thought I would ever see you,” said Ernest as the bros exchanged a bear hug. They were happy to see each other and fell easily into animated conversation. After a couple of hours and many drinks later Jacob decided to make his pitch. He was drunk but he knew what he was doing and he knew to make this work. He needed to persuade Ernest when he was vulnerable. “Look man, truth be told, I’m hurtin. I know we all get generous checks each month but my gambling debts are out of control. There is a man who will pound me into pieces unless I get a hold of some real money fast. Either that or I would need to disappear,” Jacob said forlornly looking sadly into the beer glass he was drinking before he took a sip. Ernest looked at his long time friend and felt sorry for him. He knew exactly how Jacob could disappear as well as make a ton of cash. He remembered that Jacob had been one hell of an outstanding gamer. “Look, I might have something for you,” Ernest said looking at his friend appraisingly. After a lengthy discussion Ernest decided to include Jacob and trust him to be part of the crew. That’s where Jacob’s adventure started. Now here he was with his best buddy from childhood, sitting in a parked car at the Kinarkey supermarket. “Follow me and keep your mouth shut. Make sure you mind your manners too, okay. The money is huge. You’ll love it ...
    ... and with your skills you’ll be a real asset.” As Jacob followed Ernest into the inner sanction he had been briefed on, he thought about how he hated doing this to his best friend. When the time came Jacob knew he would protect Ernest at all costs. They walked through the back door and into the offices. Everything looked as it should until they arrived at the entrance to a room that required a computer code. Ernest entered the code and the door opened. In the next room, a couple of guards stood watch as the men emptied their pockets. The friends put their belongings, including their cell phones in the basket and took the corresponding number tags to their belongings. A buzzer sounded admitting them into the next room, where they were frisked by three guards. Next, a man punched some numbers into a key pad that opened a door that led into a long tunnel. They walked down a slope for a long distance before arriving at another door. They pressed the buzzer and waited. ********************** Destiny’s little underground kingdom was heavily guarded. It was here where she made her wealth and maintained her affluent economy so easily. It was her credit card headquarters. It was her sure way of bringing lots of money into her country to sustain her economy. It was her ticket, her sanctuary. Destiny loved having the freedom to develop a new identity. The power she felt in her ability to make things happen was exhilarating and intoxicating. How could she resist the charms of making the ...