1. Knock...Knock...Knock

    Date: 9/13/2016, Categories: Exhibitionism Author: AnnaJuist, Source: LushStories

    ... those?" "Yes, How could you miss them?" more snickering. I went into the bedroom looking for something to put on. Opened my dresser. "What the hell! Where are all my undergarments? No bra's. No panties! Oh, great! A pair of pantyhose. I'm not going to wear those. Okay. The closet. There has to be something in there. What the HELL? I can't wear an evening gown. Not even a pair of sweats or anything? I was on the verge of going all the way back downstairs, when I spotted my silky, thigh length, white bathrobe hanging behind the door. It was one of those like you find at Victoria Secret's. It had little rose flower prints all over it and lace trim along the collar and around the bottom. So I figured, "What the Hell, at least it'll be better then wearing a towel." I wrapped it around me tightly and tied a double knot to keep me very secure. When I returned to the living room, my guests had the books open on the table and several of them open on the floor. My son had come back inside and was touching all the fabrics and turning pages like it was a storybook. "Mommy, pretty colors!" "Yes dear, those are some very nice colors." He got up off the floor and ran to me. When he got close, he jumped on me. I had to catch him and in the process, my left tit plopped out. I was able to cover up quickly, but I knew I just flashed these people, AGAIN! The next forty five minutes were spent with me, trying to keep my modesty intact on the couch. I could see Jeff trying to get glances down my ...
    ... chest, up between my legs, anywhere that had flesh showing. Which was plenty. My son kept on climbing up and down on me, always causing my robe to open up at the bottom. At one point, with my son in front of the T.V., I was listening to Jeff and looking at the samples that he held in an open book next to me. Looking and nodding at certain samples. I was not paying attention to what my body was doing. I was leaning over toward him and the book and had spread my legs open quite a bit for balance. After a couple of minutes of this, I noticed that Veronica was sitting on the floor, getting some books together. I was watching her... watching me and became oblivious to what Jeff was talking about. She was sitting Indian style and was looking straight up at my exposed pussy. She was wearing a pair of very short cargo shorts and I could make out glimpses of a pink thong covered crotch. Her tongue came out, and she licked her lips very seductively. My vaginal lips were still sticking out of my slit. I could feel them scraping along the light brown Corduroy cushion under me. The fabric was also tickling my slightly puckered butt-hole. My body would not let me forget that I had neglected her earlier and wanted some much needed attention. I was so turned on. Even though no one was touching me and nothing sexual was happening. Somehow, I guess, just the fact that I was sitting there, in the presence of two strangers, with only a very thin piece of silk between them and my totally naked ...