1. My Life, My Choice Chapter 2: The Lie

    Date: 9/10/2016, Categories: True Story Bestiality, Blowjob Female/Female Masturbation Romance Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Female Toys, Voyeurism Author: Kellyann1993

    ... bed as his dog juices dripped from her. I looked to Sam to see him licking away at his bloated huge red cock. I could not believe that Carol had taken his cock all the way in her. I also wonder how in the hell she had taken that huge round part of his cock. I asked her if it had hurt. “Only for a little bit when his knot enters me,” Carol said point to that big part of his cock. I looked down at Carol’s pussy as I said, “Damn girl his cum is still running from you.” Carol took her hand and rubbed at her pussy. She then brought it up to her mouth and licked his cum from her hand. She rubbed her pussy again and held it out to me. I smelled her hand then stuck my tongue out to lick at her fingers. I did not enjoy the taste, pulled my tongue back, and told her to enjoy it herself. Carol scooped another handful of doggy cum from her pussy and cleaned it from her fingers. “You want Sam to fuck you?” Carol asked. “No maybe next time,” I replied. “I need to be getting back home as I told my mother I would be gone long.” We both got dressed and Carol walked me to the door. Sam followed us as well. At the door, Carol asked me if she had disgusted me by letting Sam fuck her. “Not at all and some day I will let him do me and you can watch,” I replied smiling at her and patting Sam on his head. Sam barked as if he understood while Carol smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and we kissed deeply and with passion. I broke our kiss telling them her and Sam goodbye as I ran home. The ...
    ... rest of the weekend both Sam and John filled my mind. However, my mind was more on this man John than on the dog. However, I was curious as to what Sam’s tongue would feel like but was unsure of that huge fucking cock of his. However, I also wanted to feel what it was like as he shot doggy cum into my pussy. I also got a chance to talk to Debbie alone. I had told Debbie that she was still my Aunt to me. I always had a good relationship with her and we would talk about anything even sex. She had caught me in the shower a few times and she would just stare telling me I had turned into a lovely young woman. That was as far as it went but I also could ask her anything about sex when my mother was not around. I even caught her a few times playing with herself after we talked. I also played with myself as I watched her. I asked her about John. Debbie told me she remembers him as being charming, handsome and a very good lover. I asked her how she knew that. “Look at me, I am not sexy like your mother and back then I was just a plain Jane,” Debbie said to me. She explained sure she went out on dates during high school but the boys were not lining up to be with her. I had to give the boys some incentive to date me so I always gave head or at least a hand job on our dates. Now I knew what she meant from seeing all this stuff on the internet. “In time I sort of became known as the slut of our school,” “While someone else like her would be made fun at in school she was not,” Debbie said. ...