1. Currents

    Date: 9/18/2015, Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: elliotlacey31, Source: LushStories

    A flow between fingertips searching for your spine, that first sensation of skin meeting and you knowing the sparks within me that want to charge through you, a potent energy beyond electricity and fire. It's the current rushing beneath our clothes and swimming as rushing rivers through our veins, countless synapses transmitting complicated codes we translate all at once with a simple touch. With clothes falling on the carpet, we can hardly wait, I'm flooded with the soft feel of cotton, the heat emanating between your legs. A flow between your eyes search for me, that first inviting gaze when my thumbs hook through and slide your panties off, knowing the sparks within you want to draw me inside where an energy beyond words thrums like a heartbeat encasing me. It's the current rushing beneath our skin and racing through our veins, infinite connections transmitting the indescribable ecstasy of being locked inside you. Uncovering and exploring your body convinces me no meeting is accidental, no joining scripted, the heat and gasps flooding us is the most natural place to be. A flow between us searches to deliver the first wave of throbs to overtake you and I, knowing sparks have charged us with a current building towards an inevitable explosion. The indescribable ecstasy of releasing at the same time.