1. Three Day leave Day 3

    Date: 9/6/2016, Categories: True Story Female/Female Male / Older Female, Author: casio1933

    ... visited - it would take him back to the docks. A taxi was waiting for a fare and Doug returned to his everyday life as a sailor - his Three Day Leave had ended. Epilog Nearly two years later, Doug found himself again in the port of Naples. Conditions had much improved in the city. He had promised Eric, who had recently transferred to shore duty, that he would visit the family. Doug did not need to make any promises he fully intended to see them and especially Maria. Upon arriving at the Cordero household, he was welcomed with warm embraces, timid kisses and inquires as to Eric's new post. Anxiously, he inquired as to Maria's whereabouts. He was told that she had been married since just after his last visit. She now lived in Milan with her wealthy husband they had a son; He was the joy Maria's life and that of her proud husband. Doug asked if they ever heard from Sonia and to his surprise was told that she had moved into Maria's apartment after Maria's marriage. She was on her holiday vacation and would probably welcome a visit from him. She could bring him up to date on Maria's life since they visited several times a month. The buxom Sonia answered his timid knock on the familiar door. Dressed in a near transparent gown a look of surprise crossed her smooth features. Taking his hand she beckoned in. "I often think of you and have wondered if I would ever see you again”. She said as she pulled him to her soft body and kissed him deeply letting him taste the sweetness of her ...
    ... tongue. In only a second, Doug forgot the original purpose of his visit, remembering only the passion of their last meeting. He probed her mouth with his tongue, squeezed her large breasts and let a hand wander to her lower mound - her wetness aroused in him a hot desire and he dropped to his knees to pay homage to her sweet pussy. Lifting a stout leg over his shoulder, his tongue parted the puffy lips of her vagina and probed her hard clit. She held his head in both hands as she thrust her pelvis into his face rotating her ass and coaxing him deeper into her hot channel. After a few moments, Sonia began to tremble and moan incoherent ramblings in Italian. Doug could feel the flow of her release, a hot liquid upon his tongue. Standing, Doug took her hand and said, "I want to fuck you, fuck you now." Smiling she said, "Fuck me you will, but not before I have tasted your cock" So saying, she took his hand and led him to the bed in which he had once been so ravished. She helped him to quickly disrobe and gently pushed him to a setting position on the bed. Lowering herself to her knees beside the bed and between his legs, she stroked his hard member for a few seconds before running a hot tongue over the crown of his hard cock and down the shaft to its base. She sucked his scrotum into her hot mouth and massaged his testicles with her tongue before retracing her path to purplish swollen crown. She deftly licked pre-cum from his cock before opening her mouth and lowering her head to ...