1. Dessert's On Me

    Date: 9/2/2016, Categories: Fetish, Author: MasterJonathan, Source: LushStories

    ... drink. "One third Jack and two thirds Coke in a tumbler glass. No ice. Always pour the Coke into the Jack," you had instructed me, "so it mixes properly." When I finish making the drink, I return with it coming up in front of you and kneeling, head down and knees apart, holding the glass out to you. "Your drink, Master." You take the drink and taste it. It must be acceptable because you tell me to come up on the couch with you. I raise my head and shoot a quick glance at the clock. "Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes, Master," I say as I snuggle up next to you. I hope it is a long fifteen minutes. I have just got comfortable and am enjoying laying on your chest with you running your fingers through my hair when the kitchen timer goes off. "Sorry, Master, dinner is done. I was soo comfortable too!" I say getting up. I go into the kitchen and get dinner out of the oven and begin plating it. A couple minutes later I come into the living room and up to you kneeling again. "Dinner is ready, Master." You get up from the couch and offer your hand to me. I look up and smile taking your hand. "Thank you, Master." We walk into the dining room and you seat me and then take your own seat. "Dinner looks wonderful, slut," you say and I beam with pride and gratitude. As I have been taught, I wait for you to take the first bite before beginning to eat myself. The meal goes perfectly, everything came out just right, thankfully, and we enjoy good conversation as we eat. Dinner ...
    ... finished, I tell you that you can go into the living room and relax while I clear the table. You take the rest of your drink and move to the living room and sit back down on the couch where you were. I quickly clear the table and get the dishes in the sink to soak so I can get back to you. Seeing you reclining a bit on the sofa, I move quietly up behind you and begin to massage your sweet sexy body. You feel so good in my hands, I can barely contain myself. I start at your temples and work my way over your scalp to your neck and shoulders. Your shirt is in my way so I reach around your neck and unbutton as far down as I can reach, leaving the last couple of buttons fastened. But that gives me enough room. Now my hands can roam freely over your strong muscular chest, caressing and stroking. It feels so good for both of us. I lean down and begin licking and kissing your neck and nibbling on your earlobe. I hear you moan as you feel my lips on your skin and it encourages me further. I slide my hands under your shirt and play with your nipples, feeling the little points harden. You reach up with one hand and put it on the back of my head as I continue to help you relax. "Come," you command me and I move around the sofa until I am in front of you. I start to kneel again as I am supposed but you stop me and instead pull me closer to you, between your knees. You sit up and place your hands on my hips. Looking up at me, you say "I love you, little one," and my knees go weak. Your hands ...