1. Jessica's surprise

    Date: 9/1/2016, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Blowjob Boy / Boy, Consensual Sex Gay Hardcore Oral Sex Threesome Transvestite, Author: Sxc Jess

    ... with so much confidence I was feeling bold or more likely stupid. I decide to find somewhere quiet to park and go for a walk close to the main pubs. This was not a normal occurrence for me, because although I felt confident that people would perceive me as a woman, it was the fear of a drunken guy trying to chat me up. The reason being is my voice which isn't particularly manly isn't feminine either and would be a give away. I managed to find a back street car park on the outskirts of the main drinking area, by this time it was around mid-night and there were lots of people on the street near the main pubs, as I drove past. It was around this time that people were leaving the pubs to either go to a club or make there way home. The car park was empty except for a couple of cars, so I checked my make-up, reapplied my lipstick exited my car and locked it. I popped my keys in my little black clutch bag and looked up, it was then the nerves hit me, I felt so exposed in this dark car park with the only light coming from a single street light at the entrance. I took a deep breath and began to walk towards the exit, concentrating on my walk; walking smoothly, with my hips swaying from side to side, my head up for confidence and shoulders back. By the time I reached the exit my confidence had returned and I wasn't having to concentrate on my walk, it was as if it was natural. I decided to walk home and pick the car up in the morning, my flat was only about half a mile away and ...
    ... predicted it would take me around 45 minutes to walk it in these heels. As I walked the streets I was subject to a few lude comments, wolf whistles and cars tooting there horns, all of these filled my confidence I felt so sexy. I also saw a couple of domestics one which started because the guy was caught checking me out. I had just entered my street when my phone rang and when I answered it was Steve (my regular who liked to meet in pub car parks). He asked if I was free to meet him because he had a surprise for me, I was a little perplexed but agreed to meet him. I told him that I couldn't come back into town because it was too far and my feet were already beginning to hurt. So we agreed to meet in a nearby park, the park wasn't far from my flat, however it was situated in a wooded area which I would have to walk through. It took me about 10 minutes to walk to the edge of the woods, nervously I took a deep breath and walked along the path through the woods to the park. It was pitch black but for the full moon illuminating the park. The park is your basic park with swings, slides, roundabouts etc. I was the first one there so I sat at a nearby picnic table to wait for Steve, wondering what his surprise might be. I checked my handbag and made sure I had condoms and lube, never leave home without them. I'd been here about 5 minutes or so when I heard laughter coming from behind me, coming down the path, between the trees. When I turned to look I could see the silhouettes of three men ...