1. My life, My Choice

    Date: 8/30/2016, Categories: True Story Death, Female/Female Lesbian Romance Teen Female/Teen Female, Voyeurism Written by women Author: Kellyann1993

    ... just your average girl at 15; she stood 5 ft tall, she had brunette medium length hair. Her breasts were smaller than mine were but then most girls’ boobs in school at the time were. She had small boobs maybe not even 32 A yet. I on the other hand had matured quickly that summer at the age of 15. I had long blonde hair past my shoulders and about a third of the way down my back. It seemed my tits had blossomed that summer as well as I was wearing a 34 D when I returned to school. I noticed that boys started to notice me as well. However, I was not interested in any boy. We would be in the ninth grade together this year. Carol and I always hated gym class mainly because the other girls would make fun of less developed girls. They would tease them about not having boobs or not having any hair between their legs. We normally just ignored them but this new school year I did not have to worry as I had big well formed breasts as well as a bushy blonde hairy pussy between my shapely legs. At least I thought I would not be harassed this year. I was proud and happy how my body had finally come of age. I was looking forward to showing it off finally in the girls shower at school as well. However, I was so very wrong. After gym, I walked into the girls showers and I removed my towel and walked slowly into the shower. All the girls turned and stared at me. A couple even smiled at me. However, one girl who I have never liked or got along with through out school looked at me. Her name was ...
    ... Sharon. She had always been behind the teasing I got through school. It was either about not having a father or about my mother’s sexuality. I normally would ignore her however, this day it hurt more than ever. Sharon stared then said, “Cover it up Dyke’s daughter no one wants to see your lesbo body.” It seemed as every girl in the shower started to laugh. I stood there froze as they started to chant, “Dyke’s daughter.” I finally ran from the shower crying. I dressed as fast as I could and ran down the hall into the girls restroom. I hid in the stall crying. As I sat there I realized as well as accepted the fact that I was truly a “Dyke’s daughter.” I accepted the fact that my mother was a lesbian and that I was probably one as well. It hurt knowing I did not fit in and I was not for sure whether I liked girls or boys. I had not been with either but that was soon to change. I was sitting in the stall sobbing when I heard someone come inside the bathroom. I then heard Carol ask, “Are you in here Kelly?” I left the stall wiping tears from my eyes as I replied, “Yes I am here.” Carol reached out and took my hand. She told me to ignore Sharon as we had when she used to tease us both about not having a father. She told me Sharon was just jealous of how lovely I looked. I smiled back at her as I asked, “Do you really think I am lovely?” Carol smiled and the next thing I knew she had pulled me toward herself. She wrapped me in her arms as her soft red lips touched mine. She kissed ...