1. Time Traveller from the 21st Century chapters 4 - 6

    Date: 8/29/2016, Categories: Fiction Bi-sexual Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Female/Female Group Sex Job/Place-of-work Male / Females Author: PJ Wolfwalker, Source: sexstories.com

    ... with the big firm, that's where my late uncle was having all his regular legal work managed through, or another firm they were afiliated to. This allows me more control of my companies, but close contact with the bigger firm. The firm within a firm is something they can't afford to argue against, since without me, they wouldn't have a firm left," Alex chuckled. The gold leaf will identify the firm by the names of the four lawyers, with CJ below the bar, and will identify it's one of my companies, making it's status clear. They heard will make a coomment in the background, Jaimie stiffling a laugh, as he responded, "Okay, if Will is right, the additional employment outside the office is probably sexual in nature, so you're being a bit more generous toward me to get my expertise, and you're not concerned with the relationship away from work between Will and myself?" "Correct a hundred percent in one," Alex chuckled, as the four girls blushed, "so are you interested or do I have to continue looking? I may as well tell you, yours is the name that was put forward as the most compatible with the rest of our stafing and mindset." "Yeah, though I'd like to meet with you in the next two days, so if I'm signing on, then I'll be there when we take over a section of the law firm that contributed, what, 84.5% of this new law firm's staffing?" "Fine, as long as you don't mind working with four bisexual females and a gay legal office assistant, in a firm owned by a man who is the youngest billionaire under age thirty with a very open mind and expects you all to work nicely with each other." Jaimie was laughing hard now, "when you put it like that, I'm in... so Will knows all the others, and is almost dancing here, which I take means I have to take this! Talk to you tomorrow, here's my cell number."