1. 13 months

    Date: 8/28/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Authoritarian, Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Humiliation Incest Pregnant, Stockholm Syndrome, Written by women Author: iamscrwd

    ... anything remotely as having an orgasm. Not so much the third time…and definitely a screamer on the fourth. His fifth…was a hummer down my throat…I got carried away…he let out a scream. Then he went down on me…cummy cunt and all…no way I could hold back. I thought I was going to drown him. Between we managed to get some sleep, but by morning when Malek broke into the room it was obvious that my cunt had taken its fill of my son’s seed. There was quite a puddle beneath my spread thighs. I had trouble walking…have never had this experience…my pussy felt like it was falling out. I still had the lingering taste of my son’s cum in my mouth. The next week or so was just more of the same; I came to the realization that this was my life now. He was still my son, and loved him as a son, but I was also his concubine or as Malek called me…my son’s fuck bag. My daily shower with Sara offered some respite and a dose of still being a parent. Sara told me that the first couple of days with Malek, he would just violate her orally, but then he started having vaginal intercourse. Now a week later, she was tasked at making sure that Malek could have intercourse with her at least three times a day. A hard task as he was fifty-six years old she said with a slight sense of humor. In more of a sisterly way, almost like buddies stuck in similar situations, I lightened the topic even more, “Well at least he is not like your brother…I swear he would have intercourse continuously if he could figure out ...
    ... how to eat and sleep while doing it”. We both laughed…the debauchery of it completely lost on us at the time. A few days later…I woke up sick. I had hoped it was the flu…but five days later of having continual early morning episodes…I knew. Even through this, John never slowed down…every day he was on a mission to see how many times he could cum in me. Finally I had to tell him…I thought that I was pregnant. He must have told Malek, because a doctor showed up and did blood samples and a urine sample. I did not need confirmation from a doctor, but once he did, John took a break from our fornicating. The first couple of days were a relief…but as more passed, my mind played tricks on me. Was I now undesirable because I was pregnant? Then as the first month passed, Malek called a meeting. It was John, Sara, and I…Malek was giving us our future agenda. The first shock…Malek announced that Sara was pregnant. Then of course he made the public disclosure of my pregnancy to Sara. He riddled Sara with me being a grandmother, and a mother all at the same time while Sara was going to be a mother, aunt, and have a new sibling. John was going to be a father, uncle, and a brother again. Malek considered this hilarious. Then came the orders. “John…now that you have bred a woman, that will be your job. We will bring women for you to breed…they will give you American babies…” Malek was serious, “Mother you will carry John’s first born as atonement to coming to our country, I then expect you to ...