1. Franco's Prison Bitch (An Epilogue to "Jerry In Prison")

    Date: 8/23/2016, Categories: Fiction Anal Bi-sexual Blackmail, Blowjob Coercion Consensual Sex Cruelty Cum Swallowing Discipline, Domination/submission Gay Hardcore Humiliation Male Domination, Male/Female Non-consensual sex Reluctance Romance Spanking, Torture, Virginity Water Sports/Pissing, Author: CharlieBladeRemus

    Sitting outside in my car on the street with my brother on a bright Saturday afternoon, I braced myself for what I was about to do. The nice house across the street was where my prison bitch lived. And I was ready to go in there and show him that nothing’s changed just because we’re on the outside now. I was going to go in there and fuck the shit out of him just like I always did while we were both in the big house. But before I get into that, I better start at the beginning… I was locked up about fifteen months ago. I had gotten into it with four guys. They were giving me a lot of shit for no apparent reason. I was already having a bad day, so something in me just snapped. Next thing I know, I was being hauled into a police car, my knuckles were bruised up, there was blood on my shirt, and the four guys were laying on the ground with broken bones, bleeding noses, and cuts and bruises for days. I was always a very short-tempered type of nigga, and my fighting skills made me all the more dangerous. But there were seldom occasions when I just blacked out like that. And on those occasions, I’m potentially DEADLY. Anyway, I found out just how much damage I had done. I had not only rained fists down on their faces; I had broken three arms, two legs, a few ribs, and a jaw. I had given them all concussions, and one was so bad that the dude suffered temporary amnesia. And if that wasn’t enough, I had elbowed one guy in the back so hard, I severed his spinal cord and he was left ...
    ... permanently paralyzed. At the same time that I was shocked at what I had done, something in me said “Serve them motherfuckers right; they shouldn’t have been talking all that shit to me!” And I was sentenced to two years in prison with no regrets. So I was locked up, but I quickly made my presence known. A few of those crazy niggas tried to get me in the shower and in the yard, tried to get me down and rape me and make me their bitch. But like I said, my fighting skills made me dangerous, and I fought them off with almost no difficulty. I wasn’t gonna be ANYONE’S bitch! And finally in the shower one day, I totally snapped. One guy twice my size tried to handle me, and I handled him; POW, BAM, WHAMMO! Then I had him down, and decided to make an example of him; thinking of my girl back at home, my dick got hard, and he was on his belly, and I was on top of him, my 10-inch dick buried in his tight ass, and that big nigga was screaming for his mama. From that day on, I was one of the big dogs, respected by everyone in the prison. Even Big Lukas was impressed, and he was one who would rape random niggas. But when he saw me make a bitch out of that one dude, he instantly became a good friend of mine, and decided that my ass wasn’t worth it. About nine months after I had been locked up, that’s when he came in: Sam. A scrawny, pale 21-year-old guy who had been sentenced to 6 months for a misdemeanor. I never did find out exactly what it was that he did. All I know is they brought him to ...