Abduction on my way home
Date: 8/22/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Body modification,
Bondage and restriction
Mind Control,
Non-consensual sex
Oral Sex
Author: canadianalien
A/N: A previous story I wrote had its premise called far-fetched. In the finest spirit of Crocodile Dundee, I’ve set out to prove that that story wasn’t based on a far-fetched premise. THIS story is based on a far-fetched premise. It took me a few false starts, but I think I finally got this to go the way I wanted it to. Enjoy! Feel free to leave comments or critiques. They don’t have to be constructive :P. ___________________________________________________ I thought I was a pretty normal girl. I’m taking courses to become a Mechanical Technician, which I suppose isn’t exactly a normal career path for a woman, but in 2015 it doesn’t make me a freak or anything. I’m not dumb (if I was, I’d have never made it into my program), but I’m no genius. I’d had a few boyfriends, but never really had sex. I was only 18, so I figured there was plenty of time for that in the future. I never expected to be abducted by aliens. I mean, I’d heard of people getting abducted, but I never thought it would happen to me. I had never actually been convinced that it happened at all. But once it happened to me, the reality was inescapable. You’ll never hear about me, because I’m not going to tell the authorities. What happened to me on that ship isn’t the sort of thing that is suitable for broadcast TV. It all started when I was riding my bike home from college. An assignment had kept me there until after dark. I was enjoying the ride, minding my own business, and that’s when they grabbed me. * * * ...
... It should be darker than this, I thought to myself as I rode down the path. The night was cloudy and moonless – and my headlamp wasn’t the brightest of lights. But I could clearly see the trees outside of its luminous cone. A light was coming from somewhere, but it was so diffuse, I couldn’t spot the source. I looked all around, but I didn’t see any glints that would indicate someone else with a light. And then I thought to look up. There was something above me. I couldn’t make it out, but it was the source of the diffuse glow. I felt myself flying forward, and I realized that I should have been keeping my attention on the path in front of me. There’s this one suspended second when your bike crashes. You know what’s going to happen. You can see that gravity has won, and that you’re going down. All that remains to be decided is how badly you’re going to be hurt. On principle, I like to face my fate with my eyes open. But screwing them shut is pretty much an involuntary reflex when it looks like you’re going to hit your face against something. Because I had my eyes so tightly shut, I was surprised when I didn’t hit the ground. One second passed, then another. I clearly wasn’t on my bike, and I felt like I was falling. I could feel the wind on my skin, moving quickly. I tentatively opened my eyes. And then I screamed. The lights of the city were dim below. I was hundreds of feet in the air, suspended without any reason to be. I wondered if reality had glitched out during my bike ...