Date: 8/14/2016, Categories: Fantasy Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Incest Author: blueheatt, Source: sexstories.com

    ... words were hard to bring out, and I waited to get up the courage to say it…that’s when she spoke in a whisper….. ……(“…ken...have you ever fantasized about me?…I‘ve always liked you a lot for a long time… and I always wondered how you felt about me, deep down inside. I think I’m in love with you Ken. Does that scare you, the fact that I’m your aunt….you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to…..we can just let it go and…. …..That’s when I kissed her like never before… ….She was not like an aunt anymore, but the greatest girlfriend ever….I managed to speak…”Mindy…I’m so in love with you I can’t stand it. I’ve had dreams about you every since I was little. I’m not little anymore and I want you all the time now. You’re the sexist woman alive to me. I’ve had wet dreams and wanked about you for years now. Don’t go camping, stay here with me and let’s be together.”…. She said: “Oh god Ken, you’ve made me the happiest girl in the world, I’ve want us to make love for oh…so long and now we will…. ….I have to go camping now…but when I get back, we will have a very long talk about this and our family. …. I was so hot for her all I could do was whisper. (“…you better hurry back!”). She stepped back and fanned herself with her hand. She said: “I gotta go….talk later Ken, ” She kissed me like never before as she drug her hand over my big erection…she grabbed her bag and out the door she went. ….I had been turned on before by Mindy, but nothing like this. I could close my eyes and still ...
    ... feel her tits in my chest and her pussy pushing against my erection. Her whispering in my ear buzzed my whole body. Now I knew what she felt and was thinking….she was more excited than I had ever seen her…god I wanted to fuck her so bad. --------- …. I fired up her computer. I knew computers real well and I wanted to snoop in hers real bad. I hoped I would find a picture of her….naked?…I wished… ---------------- (Mindy….) …..I daydreamed riding in Laura’s brother Johnny’s car with my friends…. “Mindy!”…my friend said. “Your lost in thought, what’s his name???” Everyone laughed at my day dream look. I said: “If I told you that, you’d all try and steal him away.” “Oooooo“...they all said. Laura’s brother laughed, the only guy in the group. …..The sign said: ‘Collage Nature Studies.Org.’ We called it ‘camp orgasm’, it was not….as it appeared. Laura’s brother unlocked the gate and put up our tents. That night I camped with my friend Laura. We two always teamed together in a 2 person tent because (we liked to wank ourselves as we knew the others did too.). Late that night we whispered about guys. I told her all about Ken and how hot he made me. (“Your nephew Mindy?….oh jeez…that sounds hot and kinky. .....Tell me how this all got started. ”). We laid back with fingers in our panties and I described in detail, everything from day one. “Laura“, I said… “I couldn’t keep my hands off of him, never could…. but I resisted going ‘to far’ with him. I felt and tickled him all the time. He ...