1. The Challenge 4: Origins and Revelations

    Date: 8/13/2016, Categories: Fiction Cheating Female solo, Hardcore Incest Interracial, Male / Females Older Male / Female, Pregnant, Prostitution, Reluctance Threesome Author: tw_holt, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Bob started brainstorming. **** Krista, a young, brunette sexpot, slept her way to the top in Bob's company. She was a manager in his marketing department. She worked primarily in Jacksonville, FL, but occasionally headed to Atlanta for meetings and sex with Bob. She was so very good and so very gorgeous, just like her mother, Robin, who Bob joked about meeting one day. "Whew, that was good," Bob said, out of breath, rolling off Krista, slapping her ass when she got up. They were in bed most of the weekend during her trip to Atlanta. "Yes it was, now can we please talk about these applicants?" She asked, walking to the table in his bedroom, cum dripping out of her pussy, to retrieve a stack of resumes. "Sure, sure, I almost forgot, sorry," Bob said, hoping his attempts at fishing for Tiffanie via job postings, and suggestions from Tony, who she still met and slept with the last several months, would work out. Krista crawled back into bed with him, Bob putting his arm around her, flipping through a few dozen applicants. Bob was barely paying attention to the naked beauty in his arm while she went over each resume and applicants skills. Bob was looking for a name. Frowning with disappointment his eyes brightened with excitement when Krista got to the very last resume in the stack. It was Tiffanie's. Bob impatiently listened to Krista drone on about her experience, her lack of skills, and lack of outstanding references. Bob didn't care. "Hire her," he said getting off the bed, ...
    ... pouring more wine. "Wait. But there are others that are better qualified," Krista pleaded. "Just do it. We can train her and mold her to how we want her. Plus, we don't have to pay her as much due to her lack of experience," Bob explained. Krista sighed and shook her head, "Alright, fine." **** Bob watch from afar, never crossing a line, and hardly seeing her in person. He kept tabs on Tiffanie by having phone calls and meetings with her manager, Krista. He learned Tiffanie was an outstanding employee. She was learning the job very fast, her marketing ideas were great, her attitude was even better, and she was quick -- not taking her sweet time to do things. Three years into Tiffanie's tenure with Bob's company, Bob had met her a few times, noticing they had the same eye color. Her thicker, fuller lips looked more like his Aunt Cori's than his and her mother's. He always remained courteous and polite to her, observing she felt nervous around the big CEO. He would crack jokes on himself and on Krista in an attempt to show Tiffanie she had no reason to be nervous around him. The company had purchased a publishing company and all its assets. One of those including a magazine marketed toward African-American males between the ages of 18-35 call Elite Magazine. Tiffanie had an idea that her manager Krista loved, which was throwing an annual "Elite Mag" party in Atlanta. All of the staff would be invited including: models, photographers, writers, ad execs and of course Bob. Krista ...