1. The Challenge 4: Origins and Revelations

    Date: 8/13/2016, Categories: Fiction Cheating Female solo, Hardcore Incest Interracial, Male / Females Older Male / Female, Pregnant, Prostitution, Reluctance Threesome Author: tw_holt, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Robby and a few of his friends felt inspired by the European and started working out in his spare time, finding it helped him focus on growing his companies. It also helped him attract women. Robby married and divorced. His ex-leaving him, taking his two young daughters after the second one as born, the older child was three. They argued about him working constantly. He was never around, he was building his future, a future for who he considered his true daughters: Diane, Julie, Tiffanie. Robby kept going, kept persevering, and kept working. Chapter 6 Twenty-five years passed. Sam sat at his desk in his office with a huge grin on his face. He was a 56 year old African-American former police detective turned private investigator based in Atlanta. He was grinning at 25 year old blonde lovingly sucking his cock. She was a secretary whose last day was in a week. She gladly served her two weeks' notice on her knees, and sometimes, on her back. "Mmm, good girl, good girl," Sam ran his fingers through her long locks. "Your husband is black too, right?" "Mmhmm," she moaned, weaving her head back and forth. "Does he have a son, Devin?" Sam asked. Devin popped his cockhead out of her mouth, "He does." "You going to fuck him when he gets older?" "He's 15, and he's old enough," Devin winked at Sam, before resuming her cock servicing session. Devin finished up; swallowing her soon-to-be former employer's seed down her throat, letting him know his 2 o'clock meeting would be there soon. Sam ...
    ... straightened up his desk, adjusted his tie, ran his fingers over his graying mustache and waited. A few minutes later, a man in very good shape wearing a business suit, carrying a briefcase and looking around the same age as Sam entered. "Hi sir! You must be -- " "Bob. Call me Bob," Bob extended his hand to shake Sam's and sat across from him at his desk. "Good to meet you, Bob. Let's talk about what I can do to help you," Sam smiled, sitting down now. "Yes likewise. I'm hoping you can find someone for me, three people actually, but for now just one. I can give you her name, any and all information I have on her, and where I think she may be living." "That sounds great. Sounds like you know what I would need to get started," Sam said. "Yes," Bob opened his brief case, pulling out various papers and information collected, including a few very old photos that were no doubt obsolete now. "Her name is Diane. She was in Charleston the last time I," Bob paused, thinking of the second time he impregnated his mother. "She may still be there, but I don't truly know." They looked over her photos and identity information Bob had managed to obtain. The parted ways 45 minutes later, Sam assuring Bob he'd keep him posted of any updates he has for him. A week later, Bob got a package in the mail. Walking down his long driveway in his mansion in an upscale area of Atlanta, he smiled pulling the contents out of the envelope. It was from Sam. He had mailed Bob a copy of a ten year old Playboy ...