1. A Tale of Amara

    Date: 8/12/2016, Categories: Fiction Author: castiel kane, Source: sexstories.com

    ... When she was 17, her brother (the eldest of the four), the one sibling she was close to, who loved her like the sun and the moon rose on her face (probably another reason why her sisters resented her), was engaged to be married. Kosarachi or Kosi was a straight up pretty lady with a body that evoked primal passions in men and women. Men wanted to bed her, and the women who didn’t want to bed her wanted to kill her. And somehow, this beautiful woman was in love with her brother - Her handsome brother who she had crushed on for the longest time. It didn’t matter that she was ten years younger than he was, or that they were brother and sister. He looked like a model and he was nice to her and always quick to come to her aid; be it from their father who had taken to touching her in very sacred places in less than sacred ways or from her resenting sisters who were always in a hurry to make her feel worthless. He was always in her corner, a knight of valour, ready to protect her innocence and his lady, Kosi, was always there right by his side. In her eyes, no two people were more in love or suited for each other than Kosi & Kene. So you can imagine her surprise when two months away ...
    ... from their wedding, they separated. “What happened?” she had asked her almost sister-in-law over the phone. “Ask your brother!” “But... you love him” “Not anymore”, came a cold reply. Her sisters looked at her like a blood sucking succubus when she’d asked them for answers. Not that that surprised her anyways. She sought her answers from the horse’s mouth instead. He just lay on the couch of his apartment, a half empty bottle of Johnny Walker’s “Blue Label” was clutched in his hand as tears streamed down his face. He looked small and defeated and broken and dejected. Her heart bled for him so she ran to his side and threw her arms around his torso and held onto him. She had no words to console him by so she just stayed with him in his moment of need. He cried some more and poured them both a tot of his Blue Label. “What happened brother?” she had asked when he looked like he was well enough to talk again. He only smiled, kissed her on the forehead and said; “Some things are best left unsaid”. So she kept her mouth shut and stayed by his side till he could take care of himself. * * * The next time she witnessed this death of love, it left her near heartless... To be continued. 