Lacey Gets It Hard, part 1
Date: 8/11/2016,
True Story
Bondage and restriction
Written by women
Author: LaceyChains
It's past one in the morning and I really should be asleep. Hell, after the things he did to me, I should be exhausted. As usual, I am not. I am achey, tender and sore. Yet even in my lingering pain, my body still basks in the orgasmic afterglow of our games. With such conflicting sensations coursing through my body, I cannot hope to sleep. It is often like this for me. So, I'm laying next to him as he sleeps. Perhaps I ought to be angry or jealous of his repose, but I simply do not feel those things. Listening to him breathe gives me comfort in the darkness. I draw strength from knowing he is there. I also know he won't easily awaken. I could touch him on his shoulder or hip without fear of disturbing his slumber. Sometimes, I put my hand on his chest just to feel his heart beat. I smile in the dark. For all my trouble finding sleep, he has no problem at all. I sigh in contentment. He has earned his rest tonight, and I am used to my solitary vigil over him. Sunday's are often our play night. I send my son to my mothers for the evening so that we can be alone to play out our drama without fear that my little boy might hear his mother scream. It would be bad enough for him to walk in on us having sex. Every parent fears that, but for him to walk in and find me bound and naked on the bed, with my man poised to strike me with the whip or crop? No, that would be unthinkable. Better he be safely gone before we delve into the darker side of my sexual desires. By midday, I knew this ...
... night would be a trial. My man had a different look in his eye. A hint of something predatory in his usually passive gaze told me I was going to be in for a long evening. That alone was enough to set my body tingling and to cause my juices to flow. By the time he loaded my son into the car that evening, I could almost smell my arousal. He kissed me and squeezed my ass from behind the cover of the car's door and said simply, "Be ready for me." Those four words were spoken softly, but they hid the iron command of his authority over me. My knees grew weak and shivers raced up my spine as the car pulled away. With ritualistic care, I bathed my body for him and shaved my legs. Afterward, I used a fresh razor to carefully ensure my pubes were completely free of even the slightest hint of hair. He would expect me to be completely smooth for him when he returned. Being in such a state also ensured I'd be as sensitive as possible, but that was a purely selfish thought. It was the kind of thought I'd be foolish to reveal to him over the next few hours. Bathing always gives me time to contemplate what is to come. I never know what form my punishment might take. I do know that whether he chooses the crop or the strap or even just his hand, it will be... painful. He was going to make my ass red and angry. A good portion of my back and thighs would likely share the same rosy hue before he was done with my correction. I hissed inwardly as I washed my legs, thinking about how it would feel. ...