1. Jessica - Monday - Story Four

    Date: 8/13/2015, Categories: Interracial, Author: NVMii, Source: LushStories

    This a continuation of the Jessica series. Stories are not stand alone so please read the series in sequence for cast of characters and events. ***** We left the mall and walked to my car. I unlocked the car and tossed my purchases in the back. After we were in the car I turned and said, "Hi Curtis Williams, my name is, Jessica Summers." "Well I'm very pleased and honored to meet you, Jessica Summers! I was wondering when we were going to be able to use our given names." I started the car and left the parking lot heading for my house. "No hood anymore, Curtis." "Thanks, I felt kind of childish last time when I had to wear it. I didn't mind though, I knew you were just being cautious." We were silent for the rest of the drive. He did rub his hand on my inner thigh and tweaked my right nipple, but that was all until we closed the garage door. "I would like a cup of coffee," I said. "Would you like one also?" "Yes, that would be nice." While we were sitting at the table and drinking our coffee I told him my life's story. He was a very attentive listener. He had to chuckle a few times when I told him some of my experiences. When I was done I asked him to tell me more about his life. "Sure. Remember I told you how my mother passed, well my Dad never remarried until two years ago. He devoted himself to raising me and to his business. My family is very education conscious and most of us have advanced degrees. My dad made sure that I went to the best schools. Every Teacher's ...
    ... Conference would be attended by both of us and if my teacher thought I needed to apply more effort to a subject, my dad was right there to tutor me. It must be in the genes because I now have a MS in Civil Engineering like my father." "Dad worked very hard to establish his company as the premier civil engineering firm. After I graduated university, he invited me to join his firm as a full partner. The caveat was that I needed to buy into the partnership, with the full understanding that upon his retirement his share of the company would be mine. The company name of Williams and Williams has been there since incorporation. He says, 'he planned ahead when naming the firm,' hoping one day to have a son or daughter as a partner. That's where the remainder of my settlement money went. Now that you know who I am do you still want me and my step-sister to accompany you two this weekend?" "You bet I do!" I said. "Maybe more now that I know your background." "Thanks, I know Chelsea is excited about meeting you and Derek. I am a little apprehensive about meeting Derek. I'm not sure what he knows about you and I and our being together." "Don't worry about him, he is a very open minded individual and if Chelsea is as beautiful as you say she is, he will be thinking of nothing but bedding her. Speaking of being bedded, are you ready for some good old fashioned fucking?" "I thought you'd never ask!" he said. "Finish your coffee while I take the duvet off the bed, I'll be right back to get you." I ...