Lilly, Chapter 2
Date: 8/3/2016, Categories: True Story Boys/Teen Female, First Time Author: fireengine8
... the same long legs. She was cute and probably would turn into an Alabama beauty queen. Her boobies were blossoming and visible under a red Crimson Tide t-shirt. Lilly-Ann jumped out of the car and gave Holly a hug and told her with a laugh, “Don’t mind your mean sister. We’re going to have a great time.” It put a smile on Holly’s face and the girls all piled into the car. On the way home we picked up Chinese take-out and pizzas to be cooked the next day. Lilly-Ann showed Holly her bedroom and told her to drop her stuff. Holly looked around and seemed impressed with some of the boy-band posters. We set up the Chinese take-out in the basement and had supper. The girls chatted about this and that and ignored me, which was OK since I was eating and didn’t care too much about their gossip. At the end of the meal Lilly started cleaning up and Holly said she needed to go to the bathroom. It was my excuse to escape helping to clean up. “I’ll show you,” I told Holly and took her upstairs to Linda’s master bedroom and her large bathroom. Then I plopped down on Linda’s bed and waited. * * * * * Holly looked into the mirror as she washed her hands and thought, “Well I could have worn a little make-up and not looked so plain.” She pulled out the only thing she had in the back pocked of her jeans and applied some pink lip gloss to give her lips a bit of shine. Then she stood up straight and pulled her shoulders back just as her dance instructor had taught her class. She smiled a bit ...
... because it made her boobies poke the t-shirt out. As one of her male teachers had told her, “Developing nicely. Looking sweet.” But Holly always thought she was no beauty but her a-cups got a lot of attention. As she opened the bathroom door she saw Todd sitting on Mrs. G’s bed waiting for her. He smiled a bit devilishly and she saw his eyes sliding down to her chest. Yes, he was checking her boobies, but she did not smile back. She had heard her sister on the phone talking about Todd being a ‘stud’ and figured her sister had some kind of plan. Todd asked her, “So, do you want to go back to the basement and play with the girls or stay up here and play with the boys?” She knew exactly what high school boys wanted from the Junior High girls. She answered as indignant as she could, “You just want a blowjob, like the rest of the high school assholes?” Todd chuckled and shook his head ‘No’ and said quietly, “No, that’s why they are assholes. Real men treat girlfriend much better and make sure they are totally “happy” first.” Before Holly could stop herself, her mouth said, “How?” “Well is does involve you getting naked. Then we would kiss your lips and your boobs and then we work our way down very slowly and kiss your private place.” He paused a second and added, “Until you scream in pleasure.” Holly could feel her face get totally red and her pussy pulsed because he had said exactly what she had dreamed one of the guys from her favorite band should do. Todd sat up and motioned for her ...