Vector: Chapter One
Date: 8/2/2016,
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: zxnoregretsxz69, Source:
Hello, everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I'm back and I bring tidings of a new story. But first, let me talk a little about the old one. "Take it Easy" was an experiment. One to test both what kinds of things would work in a story and how people would respond to them. I never really planned for it to be more than that. This story, however, should last a good bit longer and have a real plot. I actually have an ending planned for it, which is nice. The sex won't be instantaneous, but I think it'll be worth the wait when it does come. Thanks for reading. The story is also being posted on adultfanfiction and storiesonline, so check those sites if you feel the need. Your feedback is most welcome. The best ways to reach me are at my email and my Twitter @zxnoregretsxz69 Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy. ** I shook my head. "No, all I'm saying is that Quicksilver wouldn't be able to punch things at that kind of speed without breaking his arms and hands, so he must be invincible. That's why it doesn't make sense that he can get hurt." Eric threw up his hands in frustration. "Of all the plot holes and inconsistencies in Age of Ultron, that's the one you care most about?" I thought for a second. "Pretty much. Super speed without invincibility would suck, so yeah." "Hey, that's our turn." Eric pointed up ahead. I flipped the signal on and tried to calm myself; I felt strangely nervous. "Ready for high school?" I grinned. Eric puffed out his ...
... cheeks and let out a breath. "Guess so." Suddenly, a car flew through the stop sign on their side, turning in front of me and cutting me off. I had to slam on the brakes. Jeez, I'd only been driving for a few months and I'd already nearly gotten into two accidents. Maybe I should've waited to get my license, like everyone else. I'd had to stretch the truth quite a bit to the DMV people, saying how difficult it was to get to my soccer practices and to school on time without being able to drive myself, in order for them to grant me an early provisional license. Strictly speaking, I also wasn't exactly supposed to be driving Eric around, as he wasn't an adult, but what's life without a little risk? "Kinda looks like a prison after the renovation." I noted as the school came into view. The Crofton Park school board had designated over a hundred million dollars for CPHS's renovation, replacing all the old concrete walls with what looked like corrugated steel and adding miles of windows covered by fixed metal blinds. "Bet it's gonna feel like one too," Eric groaned, "You sure it's not too late to skip school and drive to Canada?" Ignoring Eric, I found my designated parking spot and maneuvered my car into it with some difficulty. I had only recently started driving -- I had been allowed to get my license early so I could drive myself to school and soccer practice -- so I wasn't very experienced at parking yet. Getting out of the car, I stretched and yawned. The drive wasn't too long: ...