1. Summer of revelation

    Date: 8/2/2016, Categories: True Story Boy / Boy, Gay Masturbation Threesome Author: Quizich

    ... clearly visible. As we were pretty much alone at the beach, I just looked to them, mouth wide open. Man, they've grown down there - I've grown also, but was still noticeably smaller them either of them. "Wow guys, you two have grown" was all I could say ... "Come on, stand up ... we're missing you here" said Ben still fondling its package with more and more attention. "Yeah John, don't bail on us now. All for one, you know ..." said George moving its hips from left to right and back, lightly garbing his cock from time to time. Somehow, my shame dissolved and I stood up showing my hard dick through my speedo. "Not so big ... well, seeing you guys like this I think I should be in charge, not John - my dick is bigger than either of yours" Ben was being Ben - always making fun and teasing rest of us. "Not so fast, buddy - I have more meat down here than you, for sure" said George cooping its package between both of his hands. Now, devil in me took over and, without any prior thinking words just came out of my mouth: "OK, I'm no competition to either of you guys thus making me ideal referee to measure each of you and resolve this once and for all" - was what I said with a bit of evil grin on my face. Surprisingly, both of them just said "You're on" almost unanimously. "But how are you going to measure us - it's not like we're having measuring tape with us" said Ben. "And that is why I'll always be in charge, no matter how smaller my dick is compared to you guys" - I was again ...
    ... in control, acting on some strange impulse within me and not fighting it for the first time ... "First of all, let me get my props and you two keep petting your snakes - we don't want them to be nothing less than full size, don't we!? Then, we'll take measures and compare them, so ... well, we'll know who has biggest dick between three of us. Agreed?" I had them where I wanted and somehow, both of them were in my power. It felt that whatever I said to them promising measuring their dicks at the end, they would accept it without any objection. "Ahm ... John, when you say 'props' you mean - what?" George asked still foundling his cock and balls, now fully erect. “As it was already wisely noted, we have no measuring tape so I was thinking about using twigs … or I can use my hands if you want me to do it faster”. To be honest, I really wanted to grab their cocks in my hand, but thought they will never let me. Not waiting for them to answer, I already turned to walk into nearby bushes in search for appropriate twigs when George said: “John, wait” I heard “you’re going to look for twigs, aren't you? Knowing you it’ll take too long … use your hands, that way I can have my victory and will go into water sooner.” “YEAH …” exclaimed Ben enthusiastically “come on, use your hands”. I turned around facing them both, and – to my surprise – found both of them looking me right in my eyes, having same lustful look in their own eyes, and both with hands showed their down their speedos, slowly ...