Teaching a young virgin about sex and using her as a fuck toy with her aunt
Date: 7/28/2016,
True Story
First Time
Oral Sex
Water Sports/Pissing,
Written by women
Author: AnnaSiciliana
Many years ago, when I still had time and needed a little bit of extra money, I would occasionally give guitar lessons. Now, I'm not the best player in the world, but I was cheap, and I guess the people who hired me thought that for a start, I was good enough. One of my students was Alessandra. She was a perfectly normal girl with a very italian look - relatively short, with long black curly hair around her round face, cute dimples on her cheeks and some pretty full lips. Her parents were as catholic as they come, and so she was a lot more innocent and childish than you would expect from an 18-year-old. I'd come over to her place for lessons and truth be told, she wasn't a very good student. She lacked some basic musical talent and was also more interested in songs and styles that were hard or impossible to play on an acoustic guitar, like Rihanna and Lady Gaga. So I spent most of the lessons answering her curious questions about "what Lady Gaga meant" with whatever song was currently the hot topic, or "how do I do that 'tching' sound on the guitar?" I figured, as long as I got paid, it didn't matter what I'd waste my time with, so I played along. Then one day, somewhat out of the blue, she asked: "So, did you ever have sex?" I blinked at first, not sure if I heard right. "Alessandra, I'm 30 years old," I said. "How could I not have had sex by now? I'm not a nun..." She smiled unfazed and just blabbered on. "You know, I just wondered how it is, like, how do you start, what ...
... do you need to do, how do you ask someone..." I put my guitar aside and looked deep into her eyes. "You really want to talk about this?" I asked sternly. "You know, we can, but if this is just about girly shit, then..." She fell quiet and looked down. "I'm a virgin," she said quietly. "And I know that's a good thing, right? But at the same time, I'm so curious and... some of my friends are talking, and I feel like I can't keep up with them." I sighed. "Okay," I said. "Well, even if you're a virgin, you at least do masturbate, right?" She stared at me blank-eyed. "Not?" I asked incredulously. She shrugged. "Would you have sex with me?" she asked, avoiding the apparently unpleasant questioning. Now it was my time to stare at her in silence. "Oh god," I thought, "what the fuck am I doing?" At that time I had already gotten sick of clueless, bi-curious girls that didn't know anything about their bodies or how to please a woman, and I especially had bad experiences with virgins; they just weren't good in bed. But for some reason, I felt sorry for this girl and thought, maybe there was a way I could get something out of this myself. "Okay," I answered finally, "are you sure you really want this?" She smiled again, a little too cheerful. "You're a lesbian, right?" she asked. "So that means you have sex with women." I nodded. "Yeah, I guess..." I answered. "But that doesn't mean I have sex with just any woman", I thought to myself. She clapped her hands. "Well, lets try that, then," ...