Neighbourly BBQ
Date: 7/22/2016,
True Story
Author: ohbegentle
Henry *45 yrs old, 5'10" tall, 90kgs, strong build, ruggedly handsome, works as an engineer. Out with friends at a restuarant one night,he is invited to a fancy dress - BBQ outside at his his brothers place, apparently an adults evening, of fun next Saturday night at 7pm. Henry accepts the invitation. Henry dresses up as a mexican , with beard, moustache, dark glasses, large mexican hat and large blanket drapped over his shoulder,he feels he really looks authentic. He is pleased with the choice as the weather turns cool. But his brother has open fires in large drums to warm everyone, or they can go inside. On the Saturday, Henry arrives at 7.30p.m. by himself with his alcohol and meat for the BBQ.His brother Manfred greets him and introduces him to all the guests there. Food is cooked and eaten ....alcohol is consumed and everyone is socialising and having a good time ... the time is around the party is only warming up. Henry has noticed a young lady giving him plenty of attention in his mexican outfit, she is dressed as Mortisha from the Adams Family - with a long black wig on, and long black dress which accentuates her lovely body. She is very attractive - looking to be in her late twenties. She asks to try on his hat , moustache and beard, which Henry obliges, she responds with a brief seductive cuddle and light peck on the lips when no one was looking their way. Mortisha then socialises with others but is always looking at Henry smiling and winking. We will call ...
... her Mortisha for this story...... It is dark outside, the only light from fires in the open drums, everyones eyes adjusting to the night, the atmosphere is warm and pleasant ... everyone is enjoying themselves. Henry was sitting next the fire by himself, having just finished drinking his a beer,he liked sitting in the cold air by the fire. Just as he was about to get up to get another beer ..... Mortisha > (appeared standing right in front of him - smiling) Here you are Henry another beer for you....she takes a sip and hands it to him..... Henry > thank you (admiring her silhouette in front of the fire) enjoying the party? Mortisha > it's okay , wish I could liven it up somehow ( no one is out here right now other than us - hugging herself with both arms) .......bbbrrrr it's fucking cold ... can you warm me for a bit.. Henry > sure Mortisha (opening his arms for her to enter - touching her arms ) wow your freezing , come snuggle in...... Mortisha turns and sits on his lap, wriggling her arse into his groin area, her back on his chest, they are watching the fire, Henry puts his blanket around her, and his arms around her slender waist under the blanket. Mortisha > ( I'll wriggle and tease some more - wow is that his cock poking my dress , it feels huge, her internal combustion engine is igniting, the nerve endings tingling ) mmmmmmmmmmmm that feels good... don't you think Henry ? Henry > (fuck my cock's hard ,she must be able to feel it ) yes , nothing like body heat to warm a ...