Laundry with Rebecca
Date: 7/21/2016, Categories: True Story Blowjob Gothic, Job/Place-of-work Male/Female Toys, Author: Doug Rullman
... to look at Beck sitting on the boulder with her top off. She waived her hand at them and shouted “hey guys, beautiful night” as they both waived back with big smiles. The continued by real slow and then circled back to get another look. I joked with Beck that they were coming back for another look when she stood up and said “well, let’s give them a show” and stood up drying herself off with my sweatshirt. She turned and faced them again and slid off her G-string showing me her shaved pussy. She dried her ass, crotch and legs before pulling her jeans back on. She set down with her shirt still off and put on her socks and boots as I continued to just stare at her body. She said “I’m sorry, I just had to do that. Are you going to fire me already?” as she finished putting her boots on and stood up. I said “Beck you are either the craziest or the bravest girl I have ever met”. She smiled and slipped her tank top over her head and said “maybe just a little of both”. Her nipples were now completely erect and poking through her shirt. After she waived to the guys again we started walking back to the bike. I smiled and took the sweatshirt from her hand as she carried her wet G-string in the other one. I asked “sure you don’t want to put that back on?” She giggled and said “the show is over boss” and took my hand in hers again. After we got to the bike she put her G-string in my saddle back and put on the sweatshirt she had used to dry off with. We slowly rode back to my office ...
... chatting the whole way. She asked “What will your wife do if she sees me on your bike?” I told her “probably nothing. I tried working it out, but she insisted we split up. Besides, it’s not like your naked” and laughed. Beck laughed and said “I love being naked. You’re going to have a hard time keeping clothes on me after we close the office in the evening”. I chuckled told her “clothes are optional after we lock up”. I felt her put her face in my neck and kiss me. She lingered there and would kiss me and lightly bite my neck every once in a while. She was leaning against me and had her hands on my hips as she continued teasing me with her kisses and biting. I pulled up to a stop sign in the country, put the bike in neutral and turned back towards her. Just as I got my head turned around she met my mouth with hers and kissed me for our first kiss. I could feel her tongue enter past my lips and kissed her back. She pulled away from the kiss and apologized saying “I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t help it. I’ll behave and let you get us back home now”. I leaned in and kissed her again and turned around without saying anything to her and headed back. When pulled back into my office a little after 8PM. Beck got off the bike and walked back to her car. I rode on over to the shop building and shut it off. I parked it outside, figuring I’d let it cool off, and walked back towards the front of the building where Beck was parked. I found her sitting in her car checking phone messages. She looked ...