1. Kate #3

    Date: 9/13/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: xhardx13, Source: LushStories

    ... Give me a minute." Several minutes passed and Rob could overhear Kate explaining the proper dosage of a medication to the other lady in the room. When the conversation was over, Kate said to the other nurse, "Please close the door as you leave. Thanks, Kelly." With that, Kate asked, "Where were we, Rob?" "You were about to slip your panties off and give your clit some badly needed attention." "I'm not wearing panties." "Ahhh, that's even better, Kate," Rob said enthusiastically. "I just put some lube on my cock and you would love the dark purple color of my dick. The veins are popping out all over. It's almost vulgar it's so impressive. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. How is your pussy feeling?" "Hot and wet like you said." "Is your clit getting the love it needs?" Rob asked between heavy breaths. "Yes, Rob. It's getting hard like your cock." "Oh Kate, you should be here to see my precum leaking out of my rock hard cock." "Yum. How I would love to lick it off and put your dick deep in my mouth." "Christ, Kate, you are the eighth wonder of the world. How I wish you were here to take care of me properly." There was a lapse in the conversation but Rob could hear Kate's quiet purring. "Are you finger fucking yourself, Kate?" There was no answer but the sounds at the other end became more audible. Then she said, "Rob, I'm about to cum. Cum with me, Rob. Cum with me." At that, Rob put down the phone and vigorously rubbed his staff. Aided by Kate's cries that clearly meant ...
    ... she was having a robust orgasm, Rob followed by his own eruption. It was powerful as he sprayed his desk with white milky jizz that only subsided after a half dozen rapid fire spurts. His heart pounded furiously and her silence was only interrupted by deep gasps of air while she struggled to regain her composure. When Rob picked up the phone, he heard the door open and a woman say, "Kate, are you all right? I heard screams." She said, "I'm fine. They must have come from the patient next door." At that, she hung up the phone. The following day Rob texted, "i'm horny, u? Kate texted back, "of course @ work busy. more later" She wasn't overly busy but liked to tease a little and make Rob wait. At lunch, Kate texted Rob saying she was free for a quick chat but needed to get back to work soon. That also wasn't exactly true but Kate was playing her hard-to-get card again. Actually, it was all a game as she looked at it. " 'k," Rob texted back. "what's up, Rob?" "my dick waiting for you. We gotta meet." "so ur still horny." "yep. Need some ass." "who do u have in mind?" "guess" Kate moved to a quiet corner and away from the lunch crowd. She wrote, "use ur hand." "ha ha when can we meet?" "what 4?" and again Kate was playing the coy game. "i want 2 fuck u" "uv done that." "again & again & again" "how?" "u like cum?" "sure & the bloke who was beer drunk tasted the best." "i c. u need to try me" "u just want a bj then" "no that is only the beginning" "what's next?" she asked but it was ...