1. Mother,Father, and I-1

    Date: 9/12/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: ajbasu, Source: xHamster

    ... shoulders. I rubbed my cheek on his shoulder. &#034It is milk time,&#034 I said. &#034Today the milk will be special.&#034 &#034Hope you are not mixing Ovaltine or some such thing. I am not a fan of those.&#034 &#034It is something different.&#034 &#034Then what?&#034 &#034Appa, you must be patient. That is what you used to tell me when I was little. What I have lined up for you though very special is old stuff for you, very old stuff.&#034 I did not wait for his reply. I moved to my room. I had some preparation to do. First I rummaged through our collection of gifted silverware and picked a tumbler with embossed designs on it. I polished it till was as good as new. I changed my sari to one of thin material. I did not wear a skirt. I removed my blouse and bra and covered my chest with the pallav. I saw myself in the full length wardrobe mirror. I liked what I saw. Suddenly I felt weak. My knees seemed to give way. I sat. What I was contemplating was something quite beyond my comprehension but some f***e within me was impelling me on. I stood up. I suddenly felt strong. I prostrated myself in front of the deity in the puja corner and prayed to the Almighty for His pardon for the embarking on an adventure that society so strongly disapproves of. I prayed to Him to bless me. I poured the boiling hot milk in the tumbler and sallied out with a thudding heart. When father saw me his eyes widened and then his jaw dropped. I smiled. &#034Do I remind you of mother,&#034 I said. He ...
    ... nodded feebly. &#034Here is your special milk.&#034 He took the tumbler and turned it round. &#034Must be a familiar, this tumbler.&#034 &#034It is.&#034 &#034Nuptial?&#034 &#034Yes. How did you know?&#034 &#034I did not. I saw the elaborate design and guessed it must be that. Drink Appa, drink when it is piping hot. You know why.&#034 He looked up. I allowed the pallav to slip off my shoulder. I do not have words to describe my father's face when he saw his darling daughter standing before him with breasts exposed. I held his free hand and took it to my breast. &#034Think I am Amma and hold it.&#034 He rested his trembling hand on the breast. &#034Hold it,&#034 I said. He held it with finger tips. &#034You can do better than that.&#034 I took his hand and moulded it on my breast. Still holding it I said, &#034Squeeze.&#034 He squeezed. I felt great affection for him at that moment. &#034My most darling Appa,&#034 I said and kissed him on the cheek. This was no lover's kiss. It was a daughter's kiss. &#034Now sip the hot milk.&#034 He sipped. I came closer to him and took a nipple and placed it between his lips. Hesitantly he parted his lips and took the offering. &#034Firmly Appa, I must feel the warmth. Amma told me about it. Here take another sip. Amma called it heat transfer.&#034 Thus goaded father took a sip and immediately held my nipple between his lips. I felt the heat. It was delicious. We did that a number of times and them to the other nipple. The cup was half empty. ...