1. Mother,Father, and I-1

    Date: 9/12/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: ajbasu, Source: xHamster

    ... accept the tumbler with the right hand and push the pallav off the shoulder with the other. As he was sipping he would fondle me. He wanted his coffee very hot. He would take a sip and then pull me towards him and then take a nipple between his warmed lips. The warm lips holding my nipple was a delectable sensation. And and...I feel shy to tell this.&#034 &#034Then don't.&#034 &#034But I must.&#034 &#034There is no compulsion Amma.&#034 &#034No there is. You know he will then pull me towards him and lift up the sari and I will go closer to him and I will spread my thighs and he will touch my clitoris with the tip of his tongue.&#034 &#034Amma this is too much.&#034 &#034The warm tickle on the clitoris with the tip of his pointed tongue gave an indescribable sensation. I do not think that books describe the warm kisses you father and I practised. Quite possibly they have not thought of what we found out by chance. I wish you would write about it&#034 &#034Amma you have gone completely out of hand.&#034 &#034At that point sometimes he will get an urge to do more. He will pull me to the bed and we would have sex with him on top. At times I will get the urge and then I will climb up the bed, he will lie down flat facing up and I will lower myself into him.&#034 &#034I have got the idea Amma. I don't think I want to hear in detail the different techniques you two used to adopt for every hour of the day.&#034 But the momentum was carrying Amma forwards. &#034He always took a ...
    ... tumbler of hot milk half an hour after supper.&#034 &#034Repeat evening show! Piping hot milk no doubt served by topless waitress?&#034 &#034You go the point though I do not find anything in it to laugh about.&#034 &#034No follow up this time.&#034 &#034Occasionally.&#034 &#034On the sofa?&#034 &#034No, divan.&#034 &#034But why are you flooding me with all this information Amma. I am sure your mother did not tell you the intimate details of her sex life.&#034 &#034I have a reason. Your father is without sex for 10 years. That must be a terrible strain on one as avid as he was for it.&#034 &#034How do you know? He might be having some woman or the other. I believe many men do so.&#034 &#034I know he is not. I have talked to him and I have pleaded with him to have some outlet for his urges. I have suggested that he can have a mistress or even marry again. So many men have two wives. He says he has no inclination to have sex with unknown women.&#034 &#034Daya?&#034 &#034Yes, that would be good. She is single and 29 years old. I know she would be willing. I have talked to him about her too. He says that once that happens the relationship between Daya and me will change and she will not be the best nurse-aid any more.&#034 &#034Father has a point there.&#034 &#034He likes her very much but not in this way. He told me that if something happens to her mother we should take her in as one of our f****y.&#034 &#034The same thought has occurred to me too,&#034 I said. &#034With no close ...