An Incest Birthday Chapter 28
Date: 7/6/2016,
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: nivek_88
Only eight more chapters including this one! Time flies man, never thought I'd get this far. Thanks to everyone who stayed with it for four years. It was that time. They had been planning it out for the last two weeks and it was finally here, mom and dad’s anniversary. Mom, dad, Aunt Lisa, Jim, and Marie were all taking a cruise on a luxury ship, leaving us kids to fend for ourselves, which we were completely fine with. Rita and I were upstairs helping mom pack what seemed like thirty different outfits. Dad probably had a small bag or two and would be done in five minutes or so with plenty of time to spare, with mom and Aunt Lisa on the other hand were moving in on an hour and it didn’t seem like we were any closer to being done, good thing we got up early. “Exactly how long is the vacation again? I asked. “Three days exact. Starts at noon today, ends at noon Monday morning,” mom said. “With all these clothes it’s more like it ends a month from Monday,” I joked. “That’s one of the good things of being a woman honey, accessorizing is a joy in itself.” “More like a job, I’d never put that much effort into an outfit.” “And that’s why we have the better fashion sense, we put the time in,” Rita said. “You’ve been picking up on too much of that Ashley talk,” I said. It’s been an interesting two weeks to say the least. We’d been hanging out with the Ashley bunch a little more often after she passed the lie detector test. She was right, they were basically just like us, except ...
... they’re richer, we could’ve had a lot more fun over time with as much of the same stuff we liked if they didn’t act like complete bitches. We finally let Ashley come into the house last week, and she responded with a little kiss assery (yes I made up a word) by taking mom, Aunt Lisa, and Rita shopping. They knew what she was doing, but since she offered they were gonna take full advantage, and they did, she had to have spent no less than $10,000 on that one shopping trip with all the designer stuff they came back with, but as rich as Ashley’s father was it probably didn’t even phase her. Not only did she buy stuff, but she helped around the house too; helping mom in her garden, dad with storage, she even helped clean up after dinner the time she stayed. She was almost too nice now, but I’ll take that any day over the way she used to be, that and all the video games she bought me. One thing we did notice about Ashley is that whenever it’s just me, her, and Rita she tends to act a little different, not bad different, but curious different. It’s been happening ever since the night we had sex in front of her in our car, she eyes us, stares at us like she wants to do something, but she never does, and when we ask her about it she plays it off like she’s thinking about something else. She’s not as good a liar as she thinks. She, like everyone else was excited about all our parents leaving on vacation, and when our parents gone, I have a feeling she’s gonna try something, it might be big, ...