1. Summer Job Pt 2

    Date: 9/11/2015, Categories: Mature Author: peepsstorys, Source: xHamster

    I'd left the van and Jane with my head in a complete mess, I knew I was done for it was just a question of when or how. Would Jane call the office, would her husband come and find me.. Both? God only knew but , basically I was finished. I decided I may as well complete the formalities so walked to the office to again be greeted by Clare's smiling face. 'All sorted ?' 'No I replied, not as easy as I thought, maybe made it a more awakened job than I needed too if I'm honest' If only she knew just what this meant. ' well we can't have a van without a cooker, I'll speak to Jim (her hubby and site owner) and see what we come up with, there's nowt else to see too at the moment so the days your own unless you get a call from us' 'Okay, I'll be in my van if needed' I left the office but knew I'd get a call, just not the one Clare thought she'd me making. The next few hours were awful, I had a knot in my stomach and checked my radio constantly , waiting for the call back to see Clare and probably Jim too for my sacking. Would there be more consequences , I didn't know. I'd not done anything but would I be believed if Jane added to the tale. Trying to clear my mind was impossible, so I just closed my eyes and waited, then the inevitable happened. My thoughts led me back to the to Jane, to her breasts and mostly her smooth, delicate looking pussy. I felt myself growing hard as I imagined my tongue slowly teasing her lips apart, tickling and nibbling the gem she had hidden, in my head I ...
    ... could smell the sweet juices that were forming as she began to twitch, then move her hands to my head, then completely loose herself as my tongue continued its quest to taste all of her. Damn, why didn't I try something, but I knew that wasn't me. I went to the bathroom and decided to at least relieve myself, it didn't take long and after a few strokes I was spurting into the shower, but in my head it was over Jane, her breasts , her bum and mostly her pussy. It had been ages since I'd cum with such f***e and after today I guessed it would be a while again. Still I'd always have the images to keep me going. The rest of the day passed slowly and with me constantly on edge, my radio didn't go but every creak outside made me think someone was coming , someone who knew what I'd done and ready to deliver my fate. As the night went on my mind didn't clear but it allowed me a few hours of fitful sl**p, whenever I awoke I first felt nerves, then the image of Jane took over again. When the morning came round I wondered whether it would be my last on the site. I looked round my van and realised there wasn't a lot to take when I go, so at least I can make a quick exit. Then it happened, the radio went off and it was Clare, can I pop to the office, we have a problem. Shit. With more nerves than I'd ever felt before I set off. I was greeted with my normal smile which at least was a start, then she told me the problem. 'Its number 30 again, we've had the woman on saying she's got the same ...