1. Oh, Nan!

    Date: 9/11/2015, Categories: Spanking, Author: cayenne, Source: LushStories

    ... “All the same, I’m a bit worried about him. He should be out courting, as I said. He’s not one of them is he?” “No mum, he’s not. I expect he’ll be looking for girls at the concert.” “Well, he’d better not bring some floosie back here! Otherwise I’ll be getting the cane out again!” “Well Mum, before we come and pick him up, I’d be very grateful if you did get your cane out again. Give him another dose, just to teach him some manners.” “Really darling? If you’re sure? I must say it was exciting in a strange kind of way. I’ve been thinking about it a lot.” “Yes, Mum. Do it for me and Derek. We can hardly start beating him at the age of 22!” “Why ever not? I just have…” “Er, yes. That’s a point. Maybe I’ll talk to Derek about it. After all, Derek used to get the cane all the time. But in the meantime, do give Paul another caning. Knock any remaining cockiness out of him. Tell him it’s a reminder, or maybe you can find some other fault or reason.” “Yes, I’m sure I can. Leave it to mother! By the way, in case you’re interested, I think old Mr Carmichael at New Road Hardware sells nice, whippy punishment canes. I think maybe that’s where your dad got his from all those years ago.” “Really? Thanks, I’ll call in to pick up a couple. One to use on Paul, the other for Derek!” “Now who’s being incorrigible?”