New Life in Rianate 5
Date: 6/30/2016,
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Written by women
Author: Lustful11
... you to say one word a piece. See what happens,” he sighed. “Hi,” Tao quickly replied. The word came out in a shimmery, sapphire blue fog. “Eris.” The same fog appeared in front of me! Haha, this was fun! “Okay, say four bad words. Cursing or a negative word,” Nolan said. “Bad. Fuck. Lonely. Upset.” My words came out in a dull, dark silver fog. “Good. Tao, say four things that are either happy or uplifting.” Nolan turned his eyes to her. “Flowers. Ice. Dogs. Rainbows,” Tao’s words came out in a cute, fairy purple color. She smiled. Nolan stood up then went back behind the table. “Since your powers are gone, we’re gonna use this to assist on getting them back. So, say or think anything you want, but, it has to be related to your power or any theories y’all have about them being missing. Get it, got it, good?” “Get it, got it, good,” we repeated, admiring the blue fog. Nolan quickly sat the jar between our bodies then stepped back. I started thinking about how my powers got taken away, or how Tao’s did. Two hours later, I was sitting in my bed and listening to music when there was a knock on the door. "What?" I called out. There were five rhythmic knocks—that was Giovanni. I quickly got up then swung the door open. " Hey, " she signed. I was shocked to see Dallas behind her. " He wants to hang. " Giovanni exaggerated the signs then gave a sexual gesture. "Oh so inappropriate," I laughed. She looked up at Dallas and he bowed to her. "Thanks," he said. "Anytime." (Giovanni could ...
... talk, but she liked to sign more.) Dallas let her pass by then stepped into my dorm; he let out a wolf whistle. I hit his back. "Grow up," I grumbled. "Damn, girl." He pointed at the soccer posters above my bed, and the Fire/Water/Earth/Air ones by my closet. Dallas was gazing at the Hope Solo poster when Boing nuzzled his leg, making him jump back with a startled expression. "Awh, you're such a girl." I bent down and picked up Boing. "It's called a chinchilla: slightly bigger than a ground squirrel, and, her name is Boing. Hold her." Dallas gently took Boing and she started exploring his neck area. I had to change, so I yanked off my top and ran to the closet. Over the rows and rows of clothes, I just picked a basic white tee shirt then tossed my hair behind my shoulders. Dallas was sitting on my bed, laughing and playing with Boing while she scurried over the bedspread. "Okay, we can go," I announced. Dallas looked at me. "Can we stay here?" "Baby, you know you're gonna be in a dorm... With 17 and 18 year old girls... Who like dicks... And you're old..." "I am not old, does it look like I have wrinkles? And, okay," he chuckled. "But, can we bring this along?" Dallas waved at Boing like she was some grand prize. I nodded and he sprang up with Boing in his left hand. Dallas waved to Mikey and Mumble then shut the door behind us. As we walked downstairs, I told him about Nolan performing the ritual on Tao and I. “Hey, I want something to drink," I said. Dallas redirected me to ...