1. New Life in Rianate 5

    Date: 6/30/2016, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance School Written by women Author: Lustful11, Source: sexstories.com

    ... candle in my hand as I stepped into the middle of the circle. Spirit was the center. Tao cleared her throat then smiled at me. “Sit down, and relax,” she said. I plopped down Indian-style then put the Spirit candle in between my legs. Here we go…. Tao relit the braid, then waved around the air. “I call the Five Elements to join our circle, and bestow the importance of our powers upon Eris,” she gently said as she circled the space. Tao finished purifying then walked to the Air candle. “I call Air to this circle. We breathe it in our first breaths, so it is only right that it be the first Element called. Come to her, Air!” Breezy. Second candle was Fire. “Fire warms us with its passionate flame. I call Fire to this circle!” Hot. She sauntered around to Water then grinned. “Water is a perfect balance to flame, just as Eris is a perfect balance to soccer. I call Water to this circle!” Cool. Earth would be quadruple thee best. “Earth supports us and nurtures us. As the fourth Element, I call Earth to this circle!” Grass. Quickly moving, Tao crossed over to me and nodded. “It’s within all of us, important and soothing. I call Spirit to this circle.” Relaxation. I felt a jolt of energy run down my body, and I shut my eyes. The water…. air…. fire…. spirit…. earth. My ears were filled with the crashing of waves against the beach shore. It felt as if I was laying in the grass, with flowers and tall trees around me. The warmth of a fireplace on a cold Christmas night made me happy ...
    ... and bubbly inside. Wind was whipping through my hair, like the strongest tornado ever was approaching. Mmm…. I was relaxed, and it felt like nothing mattered except for being calm, and alone. Waves of power and relaxation rushed through my body, making me feel so…. Like everything was in place. I could feel the heat, the warmth of a blazing fire. I could feel the cool breeze softly blowing in the spring. I could feel water running down my body in the shower. And I could definitely feel cool, calm and collected emotions filling my brain. Inhale, exhale. In and out. Take and give. There was a fluttery feeling in my lower stomach. My Maxi was glowing. Gently placing my hand on my navel, I could feel how warm, and how powerful my Maxi was. Damn. Before I could move again, my eyes shot open and I saw the energy. Whoa…. Red, blue, white, purple, and a green energy twirled together between the candles. It kinda startled me by how close the energy was to touching my body, there was no telling what could happen. Tao had tossed five sheer scarves into the circle: one to represent each Element. But, even touching the scarves, it made me radiant to feel the power charging through my body…. like my old self was back…. and it felt as if I had never lost the power. Though I’d been in the circle for a minor time, it was like an eternal event, that nothing compared to. The energy slowly dispersed… leaving me alone in the circle. The candles whipped out, and we were left with soft scents of ...