1. Diavolo Ch 07

    Date: 9/11/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: Levanahyll, Source: LushStories

    ... was slim and slightly top heavy. Although Abigail was not heavy, she was far from skinny. Her breasts were nicely rounded, a lot more than a simple handful. Her waist was definitely cinched. Small enough for Gabriel to get his hands around, fingers almost touching, but from there her hips flared out, nice and round with a full heart-shaped ass he just wanted to spank and then bite. “Hey, that’s not bad, Gabe,” Angelo was saying, hands on hips. Gabriel blinked, his fingers freezing over the piano keys. Michael already had a battered old notebook, scribbling furiously. Gabriel took a deep breath and started from the beginning, this time adding his voice as words spilled from his heart. *** Abigail pulled up to the beach house just as the sun was setting. Turning off her Beetle, the warm early summer breeze caressed her skin when she opened the door. She loved the scent of the sea and barbecuing most people did in their back decks. The usual sounds of the waves lapping beneath the docks and board walks as well as gulls and motor boats moving about greeted her. Abigail sighed in contentment until a deep thrumming and distinct thumping sound made her cock her head to the side. It sounded vaguely like music, but was too muted for her to be sure. Perhaps one of the fancy boats in the bay behind the house, or the Yacht Club down the street. She wondered what Gabe was doing if he was still there at all. Maybe Michael had finally taken him home. That thought actually made her sad. ...
    ... He'd texted her about a million times asking her where she was. When she’d finally told him she was at the Montenegro estate, he’d gone silent. Abigail wondered if he was mad. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was jealous of his brother. As for Daniel, it made her angry he saw Gabriel as little more than an illiterate delinquent who needed saving, quite preferably in some gilded cage with surveillance. She opened the front door and rocked back on her heels when the blast of music hit her full force. Mouth gaping, she rushed in and locked the door behind her. The squeal of guitars sang through her eardrums, the bass and drums vibrating through her feet from below, and Gabriel’s voice almost had her going to her knees. For long seconds she couldn’t move, just absorbed it all in, until Gabriel began crooning her name, long, low, guttural. Good-lord! It was a song about her. She stumbled her way down the stairs to the lounge by the pool table. They’d set up toward the back near the fireplace blocked now by Angelo’s drum kit. They were so absorbed by what they were doing, they didn’t see her sidle up next to Erica, who sat on one of the stools from the wet bar. Erica noticed her arrival though and grinned up excitedly at her. Leaning over until her mouth was aligned with Abigail’s ear, the girl said, “New song. Amazing, isn’t it?” Abigail could only nod. Gabriel sat on one of the dining room chairs with his foot propped up on a little square ottoman. He was still ...