1. Messy Roommate 3

    Date: 6/27/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Cheating Humiliation Masturbation Teen Male / Teen Male, Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Nebic

    ... for dinner." Jenny suggested. "Well don't let me interfere with your plans, I'll just chill here and watch some TV." Paul laughed trying to send a subtle hint to Jim, which worked. "Well uh, you know if Jenny doesn't mind you could join us for dinner later." Jim said, putting her on the spot. "Oh, um, well sure that sounds fine." She said giving a big smile that was likely fake. "Are you sure? I don't wanna impose." Paul asked trying to hide his smirk. "No no really, we can get to know each other more!" Jenny said, trying to be as friendly as possible. "Well great! Thanks guys I'm looking forward to it." Once Jenny and Jim were alone again, he got chewed out like he knew he would. "Why did you invite him?! I don't even know him!"She huffed. "Honey common, it's okay, listen I just felt bad for him, he doesn't have a girlfriend and he was gonna spend all day alone." Knowing Jen was a soft hearted girl, she played right into feeling guilty. That's when another idea arrived in Jim's head, one he was a little afraid of, yet still wanted to happen. "Shit, Jenny I just remembered I need to take Paul's- uh I mean my Essay to my professor." Confused Jenny held her ground. "But it's Sunday, the professor isn't in." She answered, Paul meanwhile sat on the couch, secretly listening in their conversation. "Uh-I-I know I just need to drop it off for Monday, I was late writing it and he said if it was there first thing Monday he'd let me slide." Jenny's face still held a skeptical look, ...
    ... but she finally gave in. "Fine, grab the paper and I'll take you." "Damn it!" Jim thought, trying to come up with another lie. "N-no babe don't worry about that, I'll take it myself, why don't you stay here and get to know Paul some. It's only a five minute drive from here, I'll be back in ten minutes, I promise." He said, waiting on her to somehow find another loop hole so she could come with him, but when she didn't Jim breathed a sigh of relief. "Fine. I'll stay here. Just please don't take long, it's gonna be so awkward without you." She complained , giving Jim a kiss. "Nah Paul's a really great guy, I promise you two will get along." He reassured her before walking back to his room and printing out Paul's essay. "Kay, be back in ten minutes! You two share hobbies or something." He laughed, getting a wink from Paul while Jenny's back was turned. *** The drive was torture without knowing what was happening at home. Paul could have been feeling her up, or making out with her, getting a hand job, or hell he could even be fucking her! That last idea was quite a stretch, it was extremely unlikely that even Paul could convince a girl to fuck him in ten minutes. Stopping at a 7-11, Jim pulled out his phone and watched the clock. When the ten minute mark rolled around, he sent Paul a text: " had 2 stop 4 gas. 5 mins." He couldn't believe he was giving Paul extra alone time with his girlfriend, but when Paul texted back Jim thought his heart would beat out of his chest." need 10 ...