1. The Fire Within

    Date: 8/13/2015, Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: Welshdreamer42, Source: LushStories

    I crave your instruction, The command to seduce With words. Tell me you want My descriptive fingers To stroke your arousal, My naked image To stoke your lust. Say my words Make you ache, That your cock throbs To know the author Is your possession. You tell me I tease, That you’ll punish me, Fucking me Firm and brutal, Selfishly pounding The dripping hole You own. Do your worst. I need your cock Stiff with desire, Thrusting deep, Urgent with need. I want your hands Twisting my hair, Gripping, turning, Tightening your hold ‘Till my whole being Screams for you. I adore you; Your governance, Your want, Everything about you Evokes my desire. I know we’re distant, Our liaisons virtual; The hands that touch Are my own, But the passion, The flames, Are not of my making. That fire belongs to you.