1. Fucked Straight

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: Interracial, Author: Jonathans_Fantasies, Source: LushStories

    You've all heard of the program for juvenile delinquents called Scared Straight - where a group of troubled kids are brought into a prison and screamed at, berated, and terrified in an attempt to scare them into straightening up. Well, the following is a story along similar - but a lot sexier and more erotic - lines! * * * * * * * * * * Adriana, a 17-year old high school student, had been out partying at her friend Tina's house to celebrate the end of Finals Week and, as was often the case with these school blowouts, someone had brought in some alcohol. While she wasn't incapacitated, she shouldn't have been behind the wheel either. Her friend Amy had offered to drive her home, but Adriana had refused, knowing she'd need her car for work the next day. When she first saw the police cruiser behind her, Adriana knew she was in trouble. She had unwisely tried to avoid getting pulled over by making a break for it, and at first it looked as though she had succeeded. First, she took a sudden sharp right through the alley at close to 50 miles-an-hour, followed by another sharp left onto Fifth Avenue and then another quick left onto Adams Street and then around the corner and into her driveway sight unseen. Or so she thought. Imagine her shock and dismay when a minute later a police cruiser pulled into her driveway, as if they somehow knew who she was and where she lived. And that proved to be exactly the case, as the officer who got out was me, Robert Parks. Adriana moaned aloud when ...
    ... she realized what had happened. "Please step out of the car, Miss Hernandez," I said as I walked up to the driver's side. "And I'll need to see your license and registration." "Oh, come on, Robert, give me a break!" Adriana said, climbing out of the bright yellow convertible sports car. "What have I done this time?" "It's 'Officer Parks,' young lady," I replied. "And you know very well what you've done. I've got you on speeding, reckless driving, eluding a police officer, running a couple red lights, and I hope that isn't alcohol I smell - you are not old enough to drink!" Adriana moaned. Seconds later she was handcuffed and sitting in the back seat of my police cruiser. "I've got you, Adriana. Dead to rights. This is an airtight case. It's all on the dash-cam." Adriana Hernandez and I had met a few times - and not all of them were friendly, social calls. While we were on fairly good terms personally, I'd had to see her in a more professional nature more than once. Adriana and her mother lived just down the street from me, and I had invited them to a few barbeques over the years. Adriana's father had been killed in a car accident a few years back, and Adriana's mom did the best job she could in raising her. However, Adriana was sort of a wild child, she liked to live fast and play hard. So she had been a handful for her poor mother once she reached her teens. I sympathized with Mrs. Hernandez and so I tried to be a help to her with Adriana, giving her a male figure she could ...