1. CAW 22 Entry: Dreadnought

    Date: 6/18/2016, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Male/Female Oral Sex Author: stex

    ... had his attention. Marie continued, “My sexual tide is at flood. My menstruation started two weeks ago." Robert understood her, he'd had this discussion before and it usually ended well. Marie's intellectual curiosity led her to study the nascent science of sexology, her sexual energy sometimes got the better of her and this was her attempt to understand her motivations. Her theory was a woman's desire ebbed and flowed like the tides, but twice a month, just before her period and also mid cycle. She’d been turned on before boarding the ship, Robert’s impressive presence just fanned the fire. “I know man's desire is perpetual.” Marie played with the lace of her dress, pulling it down from her shoulders, she then started working on her princess slip. That also slipped of her shoulders, leaving her naked to the waist. Marie had dressed rather briefly that morning, not the usual five layers a society woman might wear, just the two,leaving off the corset and associated layers. She considered she did not need a brassiere, especially today, her breasts were not large, and usually not unruly, especially mid cycle. Robert didn’t need any other hint, he leaned forward and started nuzzling her breasts. He licked and sucked on her nipples, the tender fondling with his lips was working its magic on Marie; she had already been receptive, but now his lips, pressed against her bosom was making her ready for complete and satisfactory union. "Do you want to remind me of the anatomy?" Robert ...
    ... was notably intelligent, for a naval officer, he knew the anatomy perfectly well, however he enjoyed her demonstrations. He’d noted she got really horny when she demonstrated it (though that word was not in his lexicon either). Marie jumped up off of his desk, completed disrobing, her dress and slip ending up on the floor. Definitely one of the ecstasies of love was the unveiling of a woman thought Robert. Marie stood in just her drawers and hopped back on the desk, landing on Robert’s blotter. The crotch of the drawers parted, such was the current fashion in underwear, to reveal her genitals. Marie expounded, “Here we see both the exterior and interior lips round the vagina, both are tumescent as is the clitoris. The clitoris is a small vestigial organ which corresponds morphologically to the man's penis, and which, like it, is extremely sensitive to touch-sensations. This little crest, which lies anteriorly between the inner lips round the vagina. As you can see it has erected itself showing the woman is really tumescent, that is, when she is ready for union and has been profoundly stirred, these parts are all flushed by the internal blood supply and to some extent are turgid. There is a plentiful secretion of mucus, which lubricates the channel of the vagina.” Marie's genitalia was on display three inches in front of Robert’s nose, the scent reminded him of nothing so much as Lowestoft’s fish docks. In normal circumstances this would have been revolting, but he was already ...