My 18 year old wife and her two brothers incest
Date: 6/14/2016,
True Story
Cum Swallowing
Male Male/Teen Female,
Oral Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Carl Parker
This is the story of my wife Dee Dee’s life comes before she and I were married. I only know about it because it turns me on to think of other men seeing her naked and hearing about her. One night before we made love, early in our marriage, I had asked her if she had ever had sex with anyone before me. She laughed and asked me what part of sex I had in mind. That confused me a little, to be honest, but I said any part. That was when she told me about this period in her life. As far as I know, no one but me and her brothers know the story, and hopefully will never know I told anyone. It’s really good though and has an ending that I did witness. Dee Dee grew up in a small home in our city with her natural dad, her step mom, and 2 brothers. Her mother died when she was 4 from an illness, and her dad married her step mother when she was about 5. Her step mother had no children from a previous marriage and was divorced from their dad. Her oldest brother was Roy, who was 11 months older than she was, and her younger brother Lyle was about 1 year younger than she was. The three grew up together playing and doing natural things children do. They lived in a small house in the city where we still live. The house, which I have visited many times, had 3 small bedrooms. The master bedroom had her parents king size bed in it, and her brothers shared a room and Dee Dee got the other room. Their mom was a stay at home mom and her dad was a long distance truck driver who was gone during the ...
... week. Her mom had been a nurse but had decided to stay at home until her children had grown some and she could leave them home by themselves. At night, her mom would put the three kids into the bath and let them play for awhile. Dee Dee still remembers how much fun her childhood was with her 2 brothers. The baths continued until they were about 6 years old, and then the boys took baths separate from her. As she got older, she said the three of them used to watch television together, and one of their favorite shows was local wrestling that was televised. This of course was before World Wide Wrestling (WWW) go so big. She said they had their favorites and would watch it every Saturday afternoon. Then, they would practice on each other with 2 being the wrestlers and one the referee. She said they had a great time, and she would usually win over Lyle, but not over Roy. She said they enjoyed it so much that even as they got older they would still wrestle. Dee Dee said after she turned 13, she began to mature a little more rapidly than Roy. She said by the time she was 14, she wore a 36 C cup bra. She has always been a very hairy girl, and she said she also had a lot of light brown pubic hair by then. Of course, being in the late 60’s, it wasn’t a fad yet to shave the pubic hair on girls, so she just left it alone. She said by the time she and Roy were in 9th grade, she had filled out even more and wore a 38 C cup bra. She was 15 when she went into middle school. It was around that ...