1. A Midnight Tale

    Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: Supernatural, Author: mike01xXx, Source: LushStories

    Stirring slowly, I flip over onto my side. The silence of the room and the coolness of the night’s air bit my skin, the softness of the comforter – bliss. I mumble something to myself, something I would barely remember in the morning to come. But, now it is just me, my bed, silence and darkness. I am rudely awaken by a slight uneasiness, something, yet I cannot tell what. The items and furniture in my room are of different shades of grey and black, the darkness is certain. As I try to sit up from my bed to wrap myself in the warmth of the comforter, sudden terror washes over me. My arms, held securely over my head, bound at the wrists, secured to the head board, or the bed posts. No amount of strength I try to exert, released me to freedom. Fear wells up in my chest, dreadfully gripping my heart. I desperately want to scream, but I could not find my voice. There is complete silence, except for my heavy breathing. The door creaked open slowly on its hinges. A simple rectangular shade of grey slowly revealing pure darkness. I strain my eyes to see better, but I can see nothing. Dread grips my chest tighter. An unforgiving clench of panic seizes me as I imagine dreadful things that could and would happen. Just then, a figure slowly steps through. Ambient light revealing pure dark hair, brushed neatly back, clad in almost nothing aside from a cropped top and maybe underwear. Fear eases off my chest fraction by fraction as you approach. Slowly, with some exaggerated hip ...
    ... movements. A shadow of a smile crosses your gentle features. Stunning. I can smell your perfume, sweet and fruity as you stand in front of the bed, planting your hands on your hip, slowly swaying from side to side, like a young tree in the gentle breeze. It is as if you are dancing to a tune that only you can hear. Your hands rise above your head, reaching for the heavens. Your movements are fluid-like as you run your hands down your sides, to your belly then gently squeezing your breasts. Oh God! You know I love this. Know I enjoy the view; know I love being teased. A little twirl ensues, your toned buttocks coming into view, swaying. The fear and panic have dissipated, only to be replaced and filled with arousal, desire and lust. Your hands run through your dark luscious hair, then sensually caress your sides again. A soft moan escapes your lips which I know are moist from you licking them. Time passes in agonizing seconds… minutes… you want me to desire you, hunger, and ache for you. Dancing to the side of the bed, you then climb onto it and straddle me. I can smell you from where I lie, your perfume invading, but you know I like this special one. On your hands and knees, you pull me close to you, making me want to kiss you, but then denying me that pleasure. You do it repeatedly, swooping down, your lips close to mine then taking off, each time leaving only a lingering breath on my lips. Frustrating. I look up at you, pleadingly. My eyes says it all. Please. I need it. I need to ...