Seducing Daddy
Date: 6/12/2016,
True Story
Older Male / Female,
Written by women
Author: LaceyChains
I’m Lacey. I’m a twenty seven year old Hispanic girl. I'm 5’4”, curvy, with brown hair that reaches halfway down my back. This is something, a story or whatever, that I’ve needed to share for a long time and this seems like a place where I can tell it without anyone thinking I’m some kind of perv or something. At least I hope so, but then maybe I am. I really don’t know anymore. I really don’t care either. My parents got divorced when I was like thirteen and I lived mostly with my mom until I was out of high school. During that time I didn’t see my dad very often. He traveled a lot, and besides that, he and mom couldn’t spend five minutes together without fighting, so he didn’t come around very much. All that changed when I started college though. Mom’s house was out in the Inland Empire, an area that came about as close to the middle of nowhere in Southern California as you could get. I wanted to go to school in the OC, near where my dad lived. After talking to him about it, I decided that I’d stay at his place during the week and then go home on the weekends. This pissed my mom off royally because she wanted me to go to one of the schools closer to home. I was nineteen though and had my dad backing me up, so there wasn’t much she could do about it. Dad helped me fix up a spare bedroom at his condo and after a few weeks everything was going great. My dad and I were getting along really well and even mom got to the point where she admitted that she would rather have me stay ...
... with him than drive the eighty mile round trip that I would have otherwise been forced to make. It was about that time I started noticing little things my dad would do, touching my shoulder or back, or holding hugs just a little longer than maybe he should have. More than once I caught him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. It was the same kind of secret glances that the shyer guys at school would give me. I know I should have been creeped out, but really I was flattered and maybe even a little turned on by the idea more than anything else. I mean my own dad thought I was sexy? How could I be mad about that? I’ve thought a lot about that since then, about why things happened the way they did. I can only guess that since Daddy and I really hadn’t spent any time together since I was like twelve, we had lost that father-daughter bond that most families share. We were living together, alone and when he looked at me, I don’t think he saw me as his little girl. He saw me for what I really was, a young woman who was just discovering her own sexuality. I don’t know if any of that’s true or if it’s just a bunch of psychobabble but that’s how I saw him anyway. Not the way a little girl looks at her dad but in the same way I see other men. I have to admit, for an older man, he really is good looking. Mom always said he never had a problem getting girls and the more I was around him, the more I understood why. My dad is 6’2" with thick black hair that he keeps cut short. He was ...