1. My surprising girlfriend

    Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: rollinger, Source: xHamster

    Me my girlfriend Emily, her friend Rose and boyfriend had decided to go out for a few drinks. A few drinks had turned into an all night drankathon an we were all getting pretty d***k. My girlfriends mate had been drinking a lot and had fallen out with her boyfriend. They argued outside for a while and when she returned to us at the bar she informed us that he had left. She was more angry than upset and mainly seemed concerned about where she would be sl**ping as her boyfriend had her house key. My girlfriend invited her to stop at mine, without asking me. I echoed the invite and we continued with the night. "Its 4am and the club is shutting, we need to get a taxi" I said to the two d***k girls who had resigned them self to giggling and talking about men. I got them in the taxi and sat in the front with the driver whilst they sat in the back. I could hear there conversation but giving directions distracted me from listening. There voices had lowered and i only caught a couple of words. "will he", "not sure", "that's dirty". I could only guess they had been talking about the boyfriend that had ditched her so i stayed out of the conversation. It wasn't long until we were inside my house. My earlier surprise at my girlfriends offer to her friend to stay over was because i didn't have a spare bed and i knew that the other option was a very old and uncomfortable sofa. To my surprise she offered my kingsized bed. "There is enough room for all three of us, why should she be cold ...
    ... and uncomfortable." said my Emily. The thought of having two girls in my bed made me happy but i didn't want to show that too much. "Fine she can stay in the bed" i said. I was a little frustrated because i wanted sex but i guess i would just have to get over that. It was only now that i had thought about Roses body, i had always thought she was pretty with her big brown eyes and long brown hair but with her undressing behind me i could see her quite clearly in the small mirror built into my wardrobe. Her body was similar to my girlfriends, curvy but her body was tanned and her bum was perfectly rounded. How could her boyfriend walk away from that! Unfortunately i couldn't see her from the front but my imagination was already filling in the blanks. Once she was changed for bed Rose sat on the bed and thanked me for letting her use my bed. I assured her it was perfectly fine, even though secretly i was jumping for joy. My girlfriend had given her a pair of my boxer and one of my gym vests to sl**p in. The boxers were tight on her bum and the vest hardly covered her boobs. I would have thought that my girlfriend would have dressed her in as much clothing as possible because now my imagination didn't have to do any work. The room wasn't cold but i could see Rose's nipples through the vest and had to forcibly redirect my stair when my girlfriend came into the room. She was wearing a small vest too with no bra and french nickers. This wasn't fair, the situation was giving me a semi ...