1. Smurfy Sex part 1

    Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: Fantasy Author: Dillan1, Source: sexstories.com

    ... has clearly thought so much about sexually torturing Smurfs that he would build a specific device to facilitate this -- I mean, he's Gargamel, this is pretty much what he does -- but it is disturbing that the author has clearly thought so much about sexually torturing Smurfs that he is able to describe a Smurf rape rack with such precision and detail. Gargamel sprinkled some magic potion into Smurfette's face. Slowly she came too, seeing his ugly face in front of her's. "AHHHHH!," exclaimed Smurfette trying to run. It took her a few seconds to realize she was attached to something. She could see her wrists tied above her head, and ankles tied below. No way to squirm out. "What's going on!? Please don't eat me!?," Smurfette pleaded. Gargamel laughed loudly saying," I might eat you eventually, but right now I have plans for you." He had a cruel sneer on his face. I'm 99% certain we're going to wish he just ate her. Gargamel went out of Smurfette's line of vision for a few seconds then returned. He set down a small cage next o her. Opening the door, he said," Come on out my dear." A nude female Smurf emerged from inside. Both Smurfs mirrored each other's ...
    ... expression of shock. I think the shock is less about Gargamel owning Sex Slave Smurf and more about there being another female smurf in Smurf-land. The only difference between them was Smurfette had blonde curly hair. The new Smurf had jet black straight hair to her waist. The brunette Smurf had a lovely firm shapely body with large breast, and dark blue nipples. Thank god the author described the color of the smurf's nipples, because obviously I was going to assume they were plaid unless specified. Sigh. Her vagina was shaved clean. I just spent two whole minutes wondering what a smurf would shave her tiny genitals with and now I hate myself. Well, more than usual. " Who are you?," Smurfette asked in a dreamy voice. Not able to take her eyes off the other. Unlike the male Smurfs in her village, who had the bodies of apes. what This female Smurf could have been a goddess. I try not to worship things I could accidentally leave in a pants pocket and put in the wash. I've been hurt before. "She is not allowed to talk unless told too," said Gargamel. " I call her Rina. I don't know her real name." I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I bet her last name is Smurf. 