1. My Second Time Pt.1

    Date: 6/8/2016, Categories: True Story Boy, Erotica Girls / Female, Male / Females Young Author: Unknow user

    Wow! I was her "Boy Toy!" That's what Claire had called me before shooing me out and home after our evening of torrid sex. Let me tell you, there was very little sleep for me that night. Jeez, I tossed and turned and fondled an almost constant erection until compelled into getting up around 2:30 to jerk off. Even then it wouldn't go down as the thoughts of what had happened to me yesterday and various scenarios of what else could or would happen to me in the future kept me wide awake and horny as hell. Around four am I reminded myself of the promise of more that coming afternoon and finally dozed off. The next morning I did show up at school and realized that nobody seemed to think I looked any different or kidded me about the cock-measuring contest I'd been in the day before. With a start I remembered that none of the guys involved went to my school, and Foxy, the #%$!@&! that got me into it went to St. Michael's several blocks away. It was kind of depressing NOT to be able to share the adventures with anyone, but I'd promised Claire I wouldn't, and wanting more of her, I kept my word. I did find myself looking at the girls somewhat differently, a little more confidently perhaps, and the first two classes raced by. I cut my pre-lunch class as scheduled and arrived at Claire's promptly at 11:30. We were to have lunch together. I was concerned because I had to be at work by three and even though Claire had assured me we had plenty of time I was still nervous. My erection was ...
    ... harder than Chinese arithmetic, and I had great difficulty hiding it from the moment I left school until arriving at Claire's. It may have been my imagination, but I could swear several women stared at my crotch as I walked along the street to Claire's apartment. In later years I came to learn that some women have perfected the art of undressing a man in the most discreet manner imaginable and have an innate sense of a man's sexual arousal. In short, it's very possible they knew I was horny as hell. I knocked at Claire's door and heard her call out that the door was open and to come in, which I did. As the door closed behind me, Claire called out a sultry greeting from the bedroom. I stumbled, tripping over my own feet getting in there. She was fully clothed and gave me a soft, quick wet kiss on the lips and backed away to sit on the bed as I stood in place awaiting instructions. I couldn't help but touch myself as Claire raised her leg high and started to remove her black boots. I never thought to wonder why she was even wearing them at the time so mesmerized was I with the generous view up her skirt she was providing. Giggling, she glanced up at me and chided me. "Sweetie-pie, aren't you going to wait until we're both ready?" "Huh?" "You'd be ungentlemanly by starting without me," she continued, her face a mask of seriousness; her lacquered red fingernail pointing at my groin. I must have blushed scarlet because she looked me in the eye and smiled. The peal of delightful ...