1. Quid pro Quo - Part Two

    Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: MILF, Author: Rosehay, Source: LushStories

    Rosamund lived in a detached house on a promontory overlooking the sea. That night she made me a simple supper and invited me to stay. If I thought my luck was in I was mistaken. She talked about herself, listened to romantic music on Radio Luxemberg, then she made a couple of telephone calles from the hallway. I slept in the spare bedroom. I had the impression that this was all about something else rather than the seductive episode I had imagined. The following morning Rosamund and I strolled the beach to an old rowing boat half buried in the sand where we sat and talked, but basically about nothing, for apart from the Christmas kiss at the bank we were worlds apart. After about half an hour a woman in her early forties approached us. I was somewhat taken aback when Rosamund rose and made the introductions, at which the newcomer addressed herself to me in native Low Dietsch, which of course took me completely by surprise. "This is Mevrouw Kaete Rosenhagen née van Bruggen, the widow of your Uncle Paul who died last month in Limburg," Rosamund explained. I had never met Uncle Paul; he and my father were brothers but couldn't stand each other. Rosamund had somehow become entangled in the affair through the London bank and now explained the complicated situation. After the Second World War it was discovered that everybody in Holland had been working for the Dutch Resistance. That was not really the case, of course, and during the war my father and his brother had been working ...
    ... for different sides. This was the cause of their bitter enmity. In his Last Will and Testament, Uncle Paul had provided for the financial well-being of his widow but stipulated that the farm estate and the manor house should pass to any Rosenhagen bachelor related to him by blood who was prepared to marry his widow and domicile himself with her permanently in Holland, since he wished it to remain within the Rosenhagen family. The only known male Rosenhagen who could fit the bill was myself, and so all I had to do to inherit was marry Kaete Rosenhagen. Rosamund told me that Kaete came from the Dutch landed gentry and had unbroken experience of administering my uncle's estate since before the war, a period of over twenty years. To become a Lord of the Manor so to speak was every Dutch boy's dream, even if to become one meant marrying a rather plain Jane old enough to be his mother. I thought about a certain stumbling block for some time and sought the counsel of Rosamund about the question of sex. "I understand that a very liberal sex policy will be offered to accommodate your desires," Rosamund said. I glanced at Kaethe who was in earshot and asked, "Is that true?" When she nodded her confirmation I declared that I would marry her, and my proposal was accepted with ecstasy. Rosamund offered to attend to the paperwork, I should resign from the bank on 2 January, my eighteenth birthday, Kaete would obtain a special licence to marry at the local registry office and then the "happy ...