1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... sprang apart and scampered to get away from the freezing water. “That should cool your ardor a bit.” The older witch declared with a satisfied smile. The other two women glared daggers at her but neither one dared to speak out. Hermione was not sure that she could speak without her teeth chattering. Instead she looked desperately around for a towel or a blanket as she tried to shake the cold water off of her body and out of her hair. “Evaprorous Emedie.” Guinan chanted as she hit them both with another spell. The water vanished instantly from both women and the floor leaving them still slightly chilled but no longer drenched and freezing. The smile on the older woman's face was even wider and the two men behind her were struggling not to laugh out loud at the entire scene. “Was that really necessary?” Keiko finally asked Guinan as she stared down her husband, daring him to make a sound. “Clearly you were not going to stop on your own so, yes, it was necessary.” Guinan replied coolly, the smile never leaving her face. “Well what about those two?” Hermione asked, pointing at the two wizards who were still stroking their cocks unabashedly while eyeing all three women as if they were meat to be devoured. “Here, let me help you boys.” Guinan said, turning back to face the men. Her wand vanished and she reached out to take a hard member in each hand. The men smiled lasciviously in anticipation but the smiles quickly turned to grimaces of pain as their eyes bulged out in shock. ...
    ... Rather than stroke the men Guinan was squeezing them booth as hard as she could and digging her nails in to boot. It only took a moment for the men to start begging for mercy and when she finally released them they were both completely flaccid. “Don't worry,” she told them with a seductive smile, “I'll kiss them both and make them feel all better later. But first we have more work to do.” It took another half an hour of research to find the spell Guinan was thinking of followed by two hours of work to redesign the spell to suit their needs but finally they were as sure as they could be that the two spells in question would work together the way they needed them to. “Computer, locate Commander Data and ask him to join us here at his earliest convenience.” Guinan commanded once they were ready. The android officer arrived a few minutes later fully dressed and carrying a strange looking weapon in a holster on his hip. “What's with the phaser?” Laforge asked curiously. “I have surmised that you will want me to lower the shields completely. It may, therefore, become necessary to stun individual crew members in order to keep situations from getting out of hand.” He replied simply. “How did you come to that conclusion?” Guinan asked curiously. “I have spent a considerable amount of processing time considering the problem of how to return our visitor to her own time. I know that it will require energy and I am aware that the energy released during sexual intercourse is often harnessed to ...