1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... good that I couldn't resist you. It's been years since I've been able to enjoy that sweet mouth of yours and I was curious to see if the younger you was as good at eating pussy as the older version.” “Wait, what?” Hermione scrambled to process the older woman's words. “Are you saying that you know me here in the future?” “It's complicated and probably best not to get into it.” Guinan replied, looking a touch chagrined, as if she had already said too much. “Knowing too many details about your future could cause some serious temporal issues. Besides, this story is supposed to be all about sex and eroticism, if we start delving into too many of those kinds of details, the readers are either going to get bored or start arguing in the comments section over the science behind space-time and which rules we are violating. We are going to get enough of that from the whole 'sex ray' business. No, I think it would be best if we just forget this entire conversation even happened.” “Um, okay.” Hermione agreed reluctantly. “So what are we going to do about getting me back where I belong before we screw up the space-time continuum completely?” “I have a theory on that but we need to meet with the cabal first. They may think of something that I haven't.” Guinan replied as she slowly stood up and stretched luxuriously. Despite the shielding spell, Hermione barely fought back the urge to caress the older woman's taut body and taste her one more time. Instead she backed away as far as ...
    ... possible before rising to her own feet. “Shower, dry.” Guinan commanded. Suddenly the chamber was filled with warm blowing air that whisked the water from their bodies and hair, leaving them both completely dry in less than a minute. When the shower door opened the two witches strolled out and exited the room altogether. Guinan's robe was laying in a pile on the floor where she had quickly discarded it before jumping in the shower but the older woman seemed to be in no real hurry to put it back on. Hermione found herself staring at the other woman's firm but well rounded ass she she followed her out of the room. “I must say,” Data declared as they emerged from the bathroom, “that was an intriguing display of both female masturbation and sapphic passion. It will make an interesting point in my thesis when I am finally ready to publish.” “How do you know what we did in there?” Hermione asked curiously. “I had the computer record everything from the time you started the shower. Currently I am running a program that will render the entire event in holographic form, allowing it to be viewed on the holo-deck in full detail.” The android replied with his usual straight forward nature. He motioned at a blank wall and a picture of her standing naked in the shower suddenly appeared in sharp detail. “You filmed me in the shower without asking my permission?” Hermione asked incredulously. “Don't you think that is a bit invasive?” “As you appeared here completely nude, it was logical to assume ...