A Time in My Life
Date: 5/30/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... in for a treat being with me, as I had no hang-ups about sex in anyway. They both looked at each other, then the man spoke: “Would you, as a couple, like to help us with new member applicants? Many come in, mostly men with their wives and the man is all bullshit about ‘yeah, we talked it over and we want something to spice up our life’. Generally, the hubby talks/coerces the wife into going along with the idea then one of two things usually happen. The wife goes bug-nuts seeing her hubby balls deep in another woman or the hubby goes green with jealousy. Either thinking the other may have found a replacement for them. What we’d like you to do is chat with them as a couple, then feel them out, find out what their real motivations are. If it looks like one is pushing the other to do it, it’ll never work out and the last thing we need is a domestic quarrel in the middle of mass love making, don’t you agree?” I could see that very thing happening, so after talking quietly to Jill, I told them yes, we’d be happy to chaperone the noobs. Our first club meeting was on the following Friday night and our hosts took us to the side and explained a few details they hadn’t mentioned in the interview and we’d had no clue to ask about. “What we forgot was that every Friday and Saturday night we have a catered meal. Everyone is to remain clothed until the caterers leave. Eating is confined to the meeting room, which is more or less a huge pit in the middle of the house. Once people are seated ...
... and eating, I make club announcements. Afterwards, I also remind everyone to use the lockers in the long haul. Smoking is allowed, as long as people use the ashtrays. By the way, most often there are 90 to 120 couples here each weekend, so variety is just about boundless. New couples come with members they may or may not have partied with, so your job is to vet these noobs like we spoke about earlier. If they pass your criteria, escort them into the club, otherwise, notify one of us and we’ll gather their hosts and tell them the new people just aren’t ready for this. One thing I want to make perfectly clear…NO DRINKING, NO DOPE. If you see or suspect someone is under the influence, tell us and they are history. It’s not hard for you to imagine the hassles and the trouble involved with members that are loaded. We run a quiet house and want to keep it that way.” Wow! I was impressed. This was not your typical orgy. Jill and I couldn’t wait to get started. Suffice to say, we both saw or participated in about anything two or more people could do together. If you can imagine sex without any sort of violence or jealousy, this was the place to be. Time to move along. Jill was still on again / off again in the sex department and if I had to hazard a guess, I think she was bipolar. Sadly, if you want to call it that, I was the only person who knew her secret……for a few more months. We’d received an invitation to Jill’s stepsister’s wedding. The couple decided on an open air affair in ...