1. My last Gay experience

    Date: 5/27/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Bondage and restriction Boy / Boy, Domination/submission Teen Transvestite, Violence Author: Allthwaite

    My last Gay experience Fiction, Anal, Group Sex, Threesome, Transvestite A true story, as far as I can remember anyway. We was down the Dog and Duck, Big Norman, Harley Charlie, that's the bloke with the 50cc Honda Moped and me and a few other lads drinking Stella and Strongbow like while we waited for a Lib Dem meeting in the back room to finish so we could meet up with Al and play pool. Their meeting dragged on like Lib Dem meetings always do, you know if we don't agree we does arm wresting or first double top or tosses a coin, but they just talk, 'Seek a consensus,' which is a serious waste of drinking time, anyway when Al turned up we could hardly stand up let alone see straight so he had half a bottle of cheap Vodka to catch up and we had the rest of the bottle mixed with with Ginger Ale and Britvic Orange, wow, after twelve pints or so that tasted so smooth that pretty soon we was floating about a foot above the ground. I remember Ifor Jones and Gary Segwyn joining us and then Desmond Plannette and Lionel Platt was there asking Al about Affordable Housing as he was about the only Lib Dem councillor as actually knew anyone what lived in a Council house. There must have been something wrong with the van because we got a lift home with Desmond in his BMW and stopped at his place for a black coffee to sober up. It all went fuzzy then, I remember saying, "Christ I need a kip," and Desmond said something about a spare room. I don't remember going upstairs or getting me kit ...
    ... off but I must have and there was these wonderful clean bed sheets and I fell asleep dreaming of that Pippa Middleton and Lyndsey Lohan. A great big fluffy cloud floated by with Ann Widdicome's head one end and John Sergeant's the other, that should have started alarm bells clanging but it never registered, and I was warm and safe like you are after twelve pints of Strongbow, lets face it you can be warm and safe lying in a gutter soaked to the skin after what we had had to drink but you know it was all right but it wasn't. There was something wrong, me brain started to work but the clutch wasn't working and I couldn't get it into gear, Grrrrr, it went as me brain gears grated or was it a warning buzzer buzzing deep in my brain. I gradually woke up, it was all grey, me head was banging and that, I couldn't figure where I was exactly and then there was someone else there and I was in bed like and I realised I had me kit off and I was stark bollock naked and there was a hand on me cock, stroking gently. Of course me cock stirred, stiffened, as a finger trailed under me balls, tickling, a hairy finger heading for my ass hole, my ass hole! I woke up really quick, as a rod of ice seemed like it shot down me back, and a wall of fear smacked me in the face.like a bucket of ice cold water. Smack! my arm lashed out automatically, and my fist smacked into something solid with a satisfying cracking sound. "Fucking hell!" It was a bloke's voice, an old bloke,"What's that for!" "For that!" ...