1. Neighborhood Mom, Part VI - Mom For A Day

    Date: 5/25/2016, Categories: True Story Author: luvsumcameltoe

    ... pulled the hose tight from the back, forcing it into her ass crack. I had the nozzle in my hand and sprayed the back of her head. She giggled and commented that she could feel the jump of the hose when I hit the nozzle trigger. I started pulses of water, alternating the nozzle trigger. She tightened her thighs around it. "I kinda like that!" she laughed. With my other hand, I reached around and ground the hose into her clit, continuing the pulses. I could feel her tensing and releasing her thighs. Hot. I was hard again. C wrestled herself away from my grip and we both laid in the grass laughing and trying to catch our breath. To my chagrin, C returned to work. I had to pee, but I was dripping water. We hadn't brought out any towels. C suggested I just pee in the flower bed. So I did. I didn't turn away, so she had a clear view. "You've got some range on that thing, boy!" she commented. There was some muzzle velocity on it, and my stream was going at least 4 or 5 feet. I laughed. "One fun advantage to having a penis I guess." I replied. C took it like a challenge. "Oh yah? I bet I can squirt as far as you can!" No way. But it would be fun to watch her try. "Loser makes lunch!" she shouted. I guess I was getting my lunch made. C put a rock where I was standing to mark the spot, and then another at the furthest point I had hit. She dragged a patio chair to the starting point. I watched fascinated. She reclined back a little in the chair, her ass on the edge again, and pulled ...
    ... her legs further back than I ever thought they could go. With her hands she spread herself in a kind of "stretched up" way, like she was trying to drag her pussy onto her stomach. I came close to get a good view. Then she unleashed. At first it dribbled a little onto the chair, but then she got it going. To my shock, she squirted a thick jet that arced into the air and shot several feet! "Hah! Close!" I gloated. And then using whatever muscles a woman uses, she pushed even harder...and topped me by several inches. Damn! But it was so hot to watch, I didn't even care that I was beaten. Amazing. She relaxed and the stream dribbled again, soaking the chair under her ass. She grinned at me, a little satisfied grin, still holding her pussy. "Guess you better go get lunch started!" I grabbed the hose, grinning ear to ear. "I'll clean you up first!" C laughed but held her pose. "DON'T TURN IT ON ALL THE WAY" she said firmly, "it's very sensitive!" I brought the nozzle over standing a few feet away and pulled the trigger about a third of the way. The water made a wide cone of drizzle, more of a hard mist than a jet. I could see her tense as the cold water came her way. I sprayed up and down her crotch. She gasped at the cold, but I could see the tension subside as the initial shock wore off. Her pussy was very swollen. I kept it spraying on her lips and clit, and her face changed from a grin to a look of pleasure. I was enjoying this. C started running a finger up and down and over her ...