1. Neighborhood Mom, Part VI - Mom For A Day

    Date: 5/25/2016, Categories: True Story Author: luvsumcameltoe

    ... that the VCR might still be playing...but...there was nothing I could do. The sound came on first, before the picture, and there was some heavy fucking and panting. C stopped and stared at the TV as the picture came on, full on porn. She looked over at me, across the room and grinned. "Shut it off in a hurry did you?" she winked. "So horny...you weren't giving another show, were you? A little matinee performance huh?" She stopped the VCR and switched to news. I denied giving a show and told her K had been in her room. "Pretty daring...I think someone likes an audience!" she chided. In the kitchen, under my breath, I warned her about K knowing we were in the bathroom together. I told her what I had told K. She said not to worry about it, but we needed to be very careful - and I should stay in my bed tonight! At dinner she teased me about the porn. "K, did you know D was watching porn out here while I was gone? I think he wanted to give you another show!" K was bright red, embarrassed. I was too, but not as much. C didn't seem flustered by it at all. I couldn't say she encouraged it, but she certainly wasn't upset. She commented on how we were both at an age where we were so curious, and of course we wanted to explore. And then she went into a "mom" talk about being careful, asking K if she had been keeping up with her pills. K got defensive and said we weren't having sex, and weren't going to. I agreed. K excused herself and left to her room, dinner half eaten. Thanks, ...
    ... "mom". If I had to guess, K and I weren't going to be fooling around again anytime soon now either. Maybe that was C's plan - acting cool with it, knowing how K would react. I don't know. I'll probably never know. Through the evening, C continued to tease. K didn't come back out of her room, except to the bathroom, and that gave C plenty of leeway. It was hot during the summer, there wasn't central A/C, so the house would be warm in the late afternoon and early evening. We all often dressed very lightly around the house when it was hot. C was wearing her little skirt and a light top. Before we cleaned up the kitchen she left to her room and came back braless - she didn't usually wear a bra at home. But I was shocked when got on her hands and knees to "clean spots off the floor" and when her skirt came up, she was pantiless. She made sure to put her butt in the air so much of her ass and pussy was highly visible while she did. I commented: "Mom...I can see right up your skirt..." She just laughed and wiggled her ass, and said if it bothered me not to look at it. The teasing started to frustrate me again, so I dished it right back. I stripped down to just my underwear - those damn tighty whities. Normally I didn't feel awkward walking around in just boxers, but these underwear left little to the imagination - especially when I was horny. I popped the head of my cock out the leg opening again like had happened the night before, and made sure she noticed. She commented that my "penis ...